PhD Scholars Conference at Queen Mary

Jun 19, 2018
Graduate Centre, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS
Mar 31, 2018
The Accounting and Accountability Research Group at QMUL is hosting the above event on June 19th 2018. We would be grateful if you could kindly spread the word and let the Accounting PhD students in your department know about this opportunity and encourage submissions. 
Overview: Accounting PhD scholars will have an opportunity to present their work and receive helpful feedback. Three eminent accounting academics will host the panel discussion in the afternoon. We welcome submissions from doctoral students at any stage of their PhD and students will receive friendly advice on their subject, research approach, literature, methodology and results. The one-day conference is also an opportunity to network with other PhD students.
Speakers and panel members
  • Professor Richard Barker: Professor of Accounting at Saïd Business School, Oxford University.
  • Professor Christopher Napier: Professor of Accounting at School of Management, Royal Holloway, University of London.
  • Professor Peter Pope: Professor of Accounting, London School of Economics and Political Science
Conference Fee: GBP 50
Submission: A word copy of your submission (either 4-8 page summary or a full paper if available) needs to be submitted to the following
University of London
Event Language:
Educational Course / Workshop
Target Group:
Doctoral student
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