XXIII Grudis Conference and Doctoral Colloquium – 2nd and 3rd February 2024

Feb 02, 2024
Aveiro, Portugal
Oct 18, 2023

The annual Grudis Conference and Doctoral Colloquium holds a prominent position in Accounting research in Portugal. Since its creation in 2001, the Grudis Accounting Research Network has made an important contribution to the promotion of research, with the annual conference taking centre stage in creating interactions among its members. The Conference is preceded by a Doctoral Colloquium and is supported by the European Accounting Association (EAA) under its National Associations Initiative.

The key aims of Grudis Conference and Doctoral Colloquium are:

  • To support the production and dissemination of high quality accounting research.
  • To offer participants a plenary address by a keynote guest of high international standing.
  • To enable early career researchers to access feedback on their research projects.
  • To enhance research networks and develop opportunities for collaboration.

The target audience is Accounting scholars and researchers, graduate students (masters and doctoral students) and others interested in accounting research.

The event will feature presentation of academic papers and of PhD research projects. We welcome submissions from Grudis Accounting Network members (or co-authored with members) and from members of our partner organizations – the European Accounting Association (EAA), the Asociación Española de Profesores Universitarios de Contabilidad (ASEPUC), AICOGestión, and the InSPiR2eS research network. For details on how to request membership of Grudis Accounting Network, please complete the form found HERE.

The conference accepts papers and research projects in English or Portuguese. The presentation and discussion of accepted manuscripts will be in the language the paper is written. Authors can submit and present one paper each (note: authors may be co-authors on other papers).

Submissions (deadline: 18 October 2023) can be made via Easychair  – XXIII GCDC Aveiro 2024.

For comprehensive information about this event, please visit the Conference Website.

Institute of Accounting and Administration, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Event Language:
English, Portuguese,
Call for papers
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