Assistant professor (tenure track)



  • Starting as soon as possible
  • for 6 years, a qualification agreement (tenure-track) can be offered

Organizational Unit:

  • Department of Accounting, Auditing and Taxation

Level of Employment:

  • 40 hours/week

Main tasks:

  • Independent research and contributions to research projects of the team Financial Accounting
  • Active cooperation in the research centre “Accounting Theory and Research”
  • Teaching (in German and English) and mentoring of students
  • Supervision of Bachelor, Diploma and Master theses
  • Contributions to the administration of the department and the faculty

Necessary Qualification:

  • Completed PhD/doctoral degree in Business, Economics, Management with a focus on financial accounting;
  • Post-Doc experience or relevant work experience;
  • Excellent knowledge of International Accounting (IFRS);
  • Academic achievements beyond the dissertation/PhD thesis in Financial Accounting;
  • Sound knowledge of research methods, in particular qualitative research methods;
  • Experience in independent, high-quality teaching in Financial Accounting;
  • Ability to teach in English and German (or the willingness to teach in German within a five-year period)
  • International academic network and experience in academic mobility
  • Experience in application processes for third-party funding
  • Collaboration skills; excellent communication skills, openness

The application must include a research and a teaching statement.

Tenure-Track model:

The vacant post offers a continuous scientific career up to an associate professor. A key component of this tenure track model is the so called "Qualifizierungsvereinbarung" (qualification agreement). This agreement shall be concluded as the case may be at the latest one year after being employed. More information:


An initial salary of € 3.890 p.m.* shall be offered for this position. In the following, the conclusion of the qualification agreement will entitle to an increased salary of € 4.599,60 p.m.* and the fulfilment of the agreed qualification objectives will entitle to an increased salary of € 4.987,20 p.m.*. All mentioned salaries are monthly gross salaries, paid 14 times p.a. Furthermore, the university has numerous attractive offers (


*as of 2020

Application Deadline:
Wednesday, Jan 20, 2021
University of Innsbruck
Accounting, Auditing and Taxation