The Faculty of Economics and Management of the Free University of Bolzano-Bozen is seeking excellent candidates to fill the following academic position
Full / Associate Professor in
(13/B1 – SECS-P/07 Economia aziendale)
Bolzano Campus
Candidates should have a PhD in Accounting or a related discipline and possess significant experience in research and teaching in the area of financial accounting and financial market-based research at both undergraduate and graduate levels. The successful candidate should have a consolidated experience in teaching to warrant appointment as a full or associate professor. The ideal candidate will teach some courses in German and has a portfolio of courses that may include Intermediate and Advanced IFRS accounting.
Candidates must have an excellent record of scientific publications with high impact factor and number of citations consistent with type “A” publications as indicated by the Italian National Research Agency ANVUR-GEV13 (P07). The successful candidate will join the Research Cluster in Financial Markets and Regulation and take part in leading the development of research initiatives in her/his areas of expertise. The Research Cluster is specifically interested in appointing candidates who are interested in developing research and innovative teaching on the role and effect of financial reporting in private firms and the banking industry.
The position offered is at the Full or Associate Professor Level in Accounting (Professore Ordinario o Associato in the scientific sector SECS-P/07 under the Italian academic system). The position is tenured, full-time, and with a minimum teaching load of 120 hours per academic year.
The position compensation structure is competitive with that of top European universities and, depending on individual circumstances, may give rise to substantial fiscal advantages for up to 13 years. Expected appointment date is September 2023.
For further information, please contact Prof. Massimiliano Bonacchi – For general information about the position, terms and conditions of working at the Faculty of Economics and Management please contact the Dean Prof. Marjaana Gunkel –
For more info, click here.