Lecturer/Senior Lecturer (equivalent to Assistant/ Associate Professor) in Accounting

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer (equivalent to Assistant/ Associate Professor) in Accounting

The Accounting and Finance Division at AMBS is seeking to appoint highly qualified individuals for the position of Lecturer or Senior Lecturer (equivalent to Assistant Professor / Associate Professor) in Accounting. We welcome applications from candidates undertaking research in any area of accounting and using any theoretical and methodological approaches.
The successful candidate is expected to pursue high quality academic research leading to publications in top journals in the field of accounting and related areas; contribute to, develop and deliver excellent teaching in and across the general area of accounting across various levels; actively engage in the activities of the Division and beyond; and supervise graduate students. A significant reduction in teaching/administration work is given for the first years of probation for a lecturer position.
The post should be taken up not later than September 2024.

JOB QUALIFICATIONS FOR LECTURER POSITIONS: The successful candidate must have: a degree; a completed (or to be completed prior to commencing employment) PhD in Accounting or a related area, prior to commencing employment; evidence of ability to publish in world-leading journals appropriate to the candidate’s field of research; experience of teaching at university level and/or evidence of high quality presentational skills.

JOB QUALIFICATIONS FOR SENIOR LECTURER POSITIONS: In addition to the above essential requirements for a lecturer, the successful candidate must have: a demonstrated record of research excellence in accounting as evidenced by, for example, publications in world-leading journals; a proven ability to offer high quality and varied teaching within the field of accounting, including at the postgraduate level; evidence of ability to successfully supervise graduate students; ability to provide academic leadership to junior staff and graduate students; ability to collaborate with other colleagues within the Division and the School; ability to engage in various outreach activities and willingness to contribute to the administration within the Division and the School.

ABOUT THE DIVISION OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE: Within AMBS, the Division of Accounting and Finance is one of the leading, and also one of the largest Accounting and Finance units in Europe and the world, with an outstanding track record of excellence in research and teaching. The Accounting group has considerable research strengths in the areas of auditing and accountability, financial accounting and reporting, and management accounting, with faculty members publishing in top tier journals such as Accounting, Organizations and Society, Administrative Science Quarterly, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting Research, Organization Studies, Review of Accounting Studies, Strategic Management Journal, and The Accounting Review. Our faculty members also hold editorial positions or board memberships in various academic journals on the Financial Times Top 50 or Chartered Association of Business School (ABS) lists as well as those affiliated to the American Accounting Association (AAA), British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA), European Accounting Association (EAA) and the European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS). For qualitative and interdisciplinary research, we have extensive work in areas such as auditing, corporate social responsibility, governance, human rights, management accounting, organization studies, public sector and research methods. Regarding quantitative and archival data based research, our work encompasses areas such as analyst forecasts, capital markets research in accounting, corporate governance, debt contracting, disclosure regulation, and taxation.

With respect to teaching, at the postgraduate level, the Division offers a wide ranging set of specialist MSc degree programmes in both accounting and finance, as well as contributing to MBA and executive education programmes. At the undergraduate level, the Division makes significant contributions to AMBS’ undergraduate programmes in management and in accounting and finance together with the School of Social Sciences. Furthermore, it runs a single honours BSc degree in Accounting, which is one of a very select number of degree programmes in the UK supported and endorsed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), and has recently launched a BSc degree in Business Accounting in partnership with PwC, which includes placements and offers a fast track to ICAEW qualification.

ABOUT MANCHESTER: In recent years Manchester has been consistently named the best UK city to live in in The Economist’s ‘Global Liveability Index’. The city and surrounding areas offer a vibrant, multi-cultural, and thriving environment to both live and work.

SALARY AND BENEFITS: According to relevant experience, salary for full time and permanent position at lecturer level is not less than £45,585 and up to £56,021 per annum; for senior lecturer level is not less than £57,596 and up to £68,657 per annum. The positions also attract a market supplement and generous pension scheme.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Candidates for the position must upload their application on https://www.jobs.manchester.ac.uk/Job/JobDetail?JobId=27111. Documents uploaded in the CV section of the application form link are restricted to 1MB. On the CV upload section there is also an option to upload a Supporting Document, and this is limited to 500kb. If the size limits are insufficient, your job market package/additional documents can be sent to AMBSAccountingjobs@manchester.ac.uk with a clear indication of the post you are applying to. Applications must be received by 17 November, 2023.

For enquiries about the position, shortlisting, and interviews please contact:
• Prof. Edward Lee (edward.lee@manchester.ac.uk)
• Dr. Vlad-Andrei Porumb (vlad-andrei.porumb@manchester.ac.uk)
• Prof. Paolo Quattrone (paolo.quattrone@manchester.ac.uk)
• Dr. Georgios Voulgaris (georgios.voulgaris@manchester.ac.uk)

Application Deadline:
Friday, Nov 17, 2023