Reader/Professor in Accounting

Job Purpose:
To lead research, scholarship or teaching activities of the School through professional practice and expertise. In addition, to lead external links with regional, UK and international bodies such as government agencies, schools, colleges, professional bodies, business and industry as appropriate to the subject discipline and School and/or University strategy.
The majority of academic staff will undertake a balance of research and teaching and learning activities. Whilst ability and effectiveness should be demonstrated at an appropriate level in all areas, individuals may be more specifically focused on research, teaching and learning or external engagement. This balance will be discussed and agreed with individuals annually in the PDR meeting in line with operational needs, School and University strategy and with consideration of the individual’s career goals and development plans.
Professors will have established and maintained international recognition through original, innovative and distinguished contributions to scholarship and research.
Main Duties/Responsibilities:
  • To pursue and lead an internationally recognised research programme which both informs and is consistent with the School’s research priorities.
  • To publish the outcomes of research, with a record of securing publications in internationally rated journals of high standing. Where teaching and learning is the main focus, to publish research disseminated in pedagogic or professional practice publications.
  • To have proven experience of securing significant external funding from prestigious funders including research councils, charities and the European Commission and a record of successfully leading and managing research projects, people and resources.
  • Where appropriate to School/University strategy and subject discipline, to establish partnership links with external organisations to enhance Aston’s research and industry profile.
  • To provide strong leadership and team building in the management of research projects.
  • To have a successful record of supervision of postgraduate students at Masters and doctoral levels to completion. To foster an environment which encourages research among students at postgraduate level.
  • To lead research initiatives with colleagues and a wide range of external collaborators including internationally funded research projects as appropriate.
  • To conduct research capable of demonstrating significant impact e.g. research which has the potential to benefit the economy, society, culture, public policy or services, health, the environment or quality of life.
  • To build critical mass and promote excellence in the School’s research priority areas.
Teaching and Learning
  • Depending on role focus, to lead on identifying strategic areas for new teaching provision.
  • To teach students at different levels as appropriate including foundation, undergraduate and postgraduate students, and to carry out the associated examining processes
  • To be responsible for the design and content of specific areas of teaching and learning within the School’s teaching programmes.
  • To provide academic support, pastoral care and advice to foundation, undergraduate and postgraduate students.
  • To mentor colleagues in effective teaching practice.
  • To cooperate with colleagues across disciplines in the continuous review and development of programmes and the curriculum.
  • To use and promote the use of a range of methods and techniques in teaching, learning and assessment including pursuing digital and modern methods of delivery.
  • To lead on (depending on role focus) supporting and promoting quality assurance measures within the University e.g. by evaluation and development of modules for which the lecturer has responsibility, in terms of content, delivery and assessment as well as reviewing delivered modules, setting and receiving student feedback questionnaires.
  • To innovate in teaching, demonstrating continuous professional development and critical reflective practice.

External Engagement
  • To develop student placement schemes with companies and research institutions both in the UK and overseas.
  • To demonstrate research impact and secure commercialisation, identifying and pursuing opportunities for translational research where appropriate to role and discipline.
  • To continue to build on an established record of invited international keynote conference presentations and prestige lectures.
  • To establish and lead partnerships for commercialisation including patents, inventions and other exploitable intellectual property as applicable to subject area and/or to lead to improved practice, policy development or professional development.
  • To engage with translational research with a view to external collaboration and establishing partnerships with outputs such as commercialisation, improved practice and policy.
  • To develop research and development collaborations with industry partners to secure additional direct funding.
  • To contribute to businesses, the public sector and communities e.g. through innovation, knowledge transfer, cultural enrichment, advising government bodies, contributing to and influencing government (UK or overseas) policy-making and standards.
  • To take the lead in community engagement activities to raise the regional and national profile of the School.
  • To enhance the University’s reputation with professional/scholarly bodies e.g. by promoting public understanding of the subject.
  • To have a sustained record of effective leadership of either/all of: teaching teams; research; and staff management and supervision.
  • To make an outstanding contribution to governance and collegial life within and outside the University, for example by Chairing school committees, undertaking significant administrative positions, or participating in or Chairing University-level committees.
  • To participate in continuing professional development e.g. through seminars or conferences and by engaging in training programmes run by the University which are consistent with the needs and aspirations of the academic and the School.
  • To manage staff seminars, staff training and coaching activities, cross-departmental activities and events e.g. Open Days, Sixth Form Conferences, attendance at Degree Ceremonies etc.
  • To Chair one or more of the School committees, these responsibilities being equitably distributed across the academic staff
  • To demonstrate the University’s leadership values through own actions and behaviour
  • To undertake such other duties as may be reasonably requested and that are commensurate with the nature and grade of the post.
Additional responsibilities
  • Engage in continuous personal and professional development in line with the demands of the role, including undertaking relevant training and development activities to develop themselves and support the development of others.
  • Ensure and promote the personal health, safety and wellbeing of staff and students.
  • Carry out duties in a way which promotes fairness in all matters and which engenders trust.
  • Promote equality of opportunity and support diversity and inclusion as well as working to support the University’s environmental sustainability agenda and practices
Application Deadline:
Saturday, Feb 09, 2019
Aston University
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