Latest Blogs

Corporate Capers, Group Accounting Reforms

Graeme Dean, Professor Emeritus, University of Sydney Business School This is the third blog entry discussing the ideas of Professor Ray Chambers and other members of the University of Sydney’s School of Accounting (see earlier blogs by Graeme Dean: 28 January 2019, Accounting Thought and Practice Reforms: Ray Chambers’ Odyssey – with over 36,600 downloads and 29 March 2021, ‘Accounting Theory and Standard-Setting – Antecedents of Fair Value Accounting?’ – with over 5,500 downloads). “Corporate…
Graeme Dean
Graeme Dean
9 min read

EAA SRC “: In Conversation with the Harvard Business School Impact-Weighted Accounts Project”

Katie Panella, Project Manager, Impact-Weighted Accounts at Harvard Business School Dr. Ethan Rouen, Assistant Professor of Business Administration, HBS Dr. Elizabeth Demers, Professor of Accounting, University of Waterloo The mission of the Impact-Weighted Accounts Project is to drive the creation of financial accounts that reflect a company’s financial, social, and environmental performance. Their ambition is to create accounting statements that transparently capture external impacts in a way that drives investor and managerial decision making. The…
< 1 min read

A counter account of the EAA Congress Gala Dinner’s keynote

“Our house is on fire”. Three years have passed since these famous Greta Thunberg&#8217;s words at the World Economic Forum and at the European Parliament. Countless global strikes, manifestations and discussions have taken place since then. We are also witnessing a growing interest in social and environmental reporting/disclosure, including from regulators and policymakers. However, we are still celebrating oil companies, their activities, and their investment strategies. The recent keynote at the 2022 EAA Congress gala…
Alessandro Ghio
Alessandro Ghio
3 min read

Call for Nominations – EAA Newsletter Editors

The European Accounting Association (EAA) is very proud of the EAA Newsletter that is distributed to members of the Association on a quarterly basis, and which is also publicly available on the EAA website. The term of the current EAA Newsletter Editors, Christoph Endenich and Marco Fasan, ends in December 2022. The new Editors will be expected to start overseeing the preparation and publication of the EAA Newsletter from the first issue of 2023. The appointment is for a four-year non-renewable term, starting in…
3 min read

Auditors’ Incentives and Audit Quality: Non-audit Services versus Contingent Audit Fees

This blog has been written by Lucas Mahieux about his recently accepted paper &#8220;Auditors&#8217; Incentives and Audit Quality: Non-audit Services versus Contingent Audit Fees&#8221;. &nbsp; What are the incentive effects of the provision of non-audit services (NAS) on auditors? This important policy question is of concern to regulators given the debate that has been raging for years on whether audit firms should provide NAS to audit clients. This debate is often reduced to a simple…
ARC Commitee
ARC Commitee
5 min read

Going Concern Trends in Eastern Europe

Over the last decade, companies headquartered in Eastern Europe had a going concern rate of 7.2%. Both the Eastern and Southern European regions have higher rates of going concern compared to the Northern and Western regions. In fiscal year 2020, companies in Eastern Europe had an average going concern rate of 6.8%. In this analysis, Eastern European countries consist of the following: Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Slovakia. It is important to note, many Eastern European countries have…
Audit Analytics
Audit Analytics
3 min read

Going Concern Trends in Southern Europe

Southern European countries have some of the highest rates of going concern opinions in all of Europe. Four countries had going concern rates over 10% during fiscal year 2020. On average, Southern European countries had a going concern rate of 8.8%. In this analysis, Southern European countries consist of the following. Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Greece Italy Malta Portugal Romania Slovenia Spain The southeastern European countries have seen a decline in going concern rates during the…
Audit Analytics
Audit Analytics
2 min read

Going Concern Trends in Western Europe

This analysis was originally posted by Audit Analytics. Public companies headquartered in Western European countries collectively reached their highest rate of going concern opinions (GCOs) during fiscal year (FY) 2019, before falling during FY2020. Western Europe is made up of eight countries: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Each country saw its own unique trends for GCOs. However, most saw high rates of GCOs during FY2019. The rate of GCOs in Western…
Audit Analytics
Audit Analytics
3 min read

EAA Junior Network – Meet the Editors with Andrei Filip (Accounting in Europe)

The EAA is pleased to announce a new session in the series of “Meet the Editors” events. For the healthy future of our accounting academe, it is essential that PhD students and junior faculty learn how to navigate the increasingly high expectations set on the quality of research work. This series of events provides early career scholars with an opportunity to learn and discuss how to successfully manage the competitive process of paper publication.  The third EAA “Meet the…
< 1 min read

Going Concern Trends in Northern Europe

This analysis was originally posted by Audit Analytics. The rate of going concern opinions (GCOs) has been rising among northern European companies over the past decade. At the start of the decade, about 2% of companies headquartered in Scandinavian countries received a going concern opinion. GCOs peaked during fiscal year (FY) 2019 at nearly 6% due to the pandemic. But GCOs were still elevated during FY2020 at more than 4%. Northern European countries refer to Sweden,…
Audit Analytics
Audit Analytics
2 min read