Latest Blogs

PhD Grants – International Accounting Section of the American Accounting Association

This year the International Accounting Section will award several grants for PhD students to help with the cost of attending the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting.  Because the meeting will be held virtually, the grants will cover the AAA annual meeting registration fee as well as the American Accounting Association’s 2021-2022 Student membership and the 2021-2022 membership fee in the International Accounting Section. Grant award recipients must agree to be a discussant during a concurrent session of the Section at the Annual Meeting. Please inform your PhD students who…
ARC Commitee
ARC Commitee
< 1 min read

Accounting for Modern Slavery: What are we waiting for?

A blog by Charles Cho and Michael Rogerson Modern slavery has come to cover a range of labour abuses incorporating issues such as debt bondage and child labour as well as the United Nations&rsquo; &lsquo;Decent Work&rsquo; goal (Sustainability Development Goal #8). The scale of the problem is estimated in the tens of millions of cases. Stakeholders, including legislators, are paying growing attention to this significant issue, particularly by demanding transparency from large firms which are…
6 min read

Going concern is not a point but a range

It is more than year ago that Sir Donald Brydon published his famous review where he introduced the notion of deserved confidence. One of the most contentious elements of audited reports pertains to the going-concern opinion of auditors.&nbsp; Auditors are scorned&nbsp; if a company goes bankrupt despite the fact that the auditor gave a clean opinion on the financial statements. In about fifty percent of the cases, the auditor indicates that a company is financially…
Jan Bouwens
Jan Bouwens
4 min read

A flawed conceptual framework for climate disclosure and other nonsense

During 2020 a number of reports were published by organisations promoting a &#39;solution&#39; for &#39;sustainability reporting&#39; amid &#39;concern&#39; about about a proliferation of bodies setting standards and frameworks. The proliferation of frameworks and standards led to a proliferation of bodies claiming their purpose was to harmonise &#8211; not without self interest, of course.&nbsp; I wrote some short articles with my observations on these developments to both engage in the debate and increase my knowledge of…
Carol Adams
Carol Adams
2 min read

Audit Opinion Types Available in Our Europe Database

This analysis was originally posted by Audit Analytics. The audit opinion is particularly important to stakeholders, as it provides insight into whether the financial statements are true and reliable for decision making. When an opinion is issued, auditors generally include an explanation for their decision. Because most opinions are unqualified (clean) and issued when an auditor determines that the financial records are appropriate and maintained in accordance with regulations, it is important for stakeholders to…
Jessica McKeon
Jessica McKeon
5 min read

Higher School of Economics Comments on IFRS’s CP on Sustainability Reporting

I am excited to share with our respected readers that Russian accounting academic community joined global trend on Sustainable Development and gets involved into the international scope of discussion. The Working Group on Non-financial Reporting Committee of Higher School of Ecnomics submitted Response letter to the IFRS Consultation Paper on Sustainability Reporting. The working group  includes six academics from various campuses of the School. I believe it to be a good start for future international…
< 1 min read

It is a great start of another year with EAA!

Recently, Dr. Helena Isidro shared exciting news on a brand new start of EAA collaboration with Russian Accounting Community ( This collaboration will involve Russian Accountants via Accounting Methodology Center (AMC, I believe this is a really great start of a new journey in Accounting Research through the collaboration developing and attracting young researchers with fresh ideas to our society.
< 1 min read

CSR Accounting New Wave Researchers: Step Up to The Plate or Stay Out of The Game

This paper is published in&nbsp;Volume 19, Issue 4&nbsp;of the&nbsp;Journal of Accounting and Management and Information Systems, available in&nbsp;Open Access here (the full PDF version is&nbsp;here and also attached to this blog), and reproduced here as a blog. A hopefully useful bibliography can also be accessed here and is also attached to this blog, as a separate file. Abstract Recent discussions at accounting conferences and workshops suggest that academics are &lsquo;deeply divided&rsquo; on the role and…
19 min read

IFRS-EAA Virtual Workshop on Business Combinations under Common Control

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) in conjunction with the European Accounting Association (EAA) and the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) will hold a virtual research workshop on 29 January 2021 at 12.00-14.00 (CET). The seminar will provide an overview of the IASB’s Business Combinations under Common Control Discussion Paper (DP) and EFRAG’s developing views for consultation. This project is exploring possible reporting requirements for business combinations under common control that would reduce diversity…
Thorsten Sellhorn
Thorsten Sellhorn
2 min read

Response to the Consultation Paper on the ad personam mandate on potential need for changes to the governance and funding of EFRAG

Posted by Bego&ntilde;a Giner on behalf of the EAA Stakeholder Reporting Committee As a response to the Consultation Paper on the ad personam mandate on potential need for changes to the governance and funding of EFRAG issued on November 30, 2020, the Stakeholder Reporting Committee of the European Accounting Association (&ldquo;the SRC&rdquo;) submitted a letter on January 4, 2020 outlining our position in relation to the issues raised therein (the full letter is attached). Our…
EAA Stakeholder Reporting Committee
EAA Stakeholder Reporting Committee
< 1 min read
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