Latest Blogs

Corona virus implications for EAA Annual Congress 2020

The preparations for the EAA Annual Congress of 2020 continue. Given nearly 1,000 early-bird registrations by the end of February, the EAA is fully committed to doing whatever it takes to organize the Congress as planned. Please read here further information:
ARC Commitee
ARC Commitee
< 1 min read

The Value Relevance of Risk Disclosure: An Analysis of the Banking Sector

By Bego&ntilde;a Giner, Alessandra Allini and Annamaria Zampella In this study, we test whether financial risk disclosures required by IFRS 7 and Pillar 3 are value relevant for investors in the European banking sector. The motivation of this research relies upon the concerns expressed by relevant institutions (i.e. the International Monetary Fund). They alerted on the increasingly use of complex instruments without providing relevant and reliable information, which could undermine the stability of financial markets.…
4 min read

Auditor Changes Across Europe

This analysis was originally posted by Audit Analytics. In this post, we&rsquo;ll look at the trends of auditor changes and fees from a selection of European stock indices, specifically the AEX 25, ATX 20, BEL 20, DAX 30, FTSE MIB, IBEX 35, LUX 10, PSI 20, and WIG 20. There were 159 auditor changes recorded from this sample of indices since 2011; 11 of these changes are still pending confirmation from a company&rsquo;s signed audit…
Jessica McKeon
Jessica McKeon
4 min read

Internal auditors’ engagement in risk management

The effect of internal auditors&rsquo; engagement in risk management consulting on external auditors&rsquo; reliance decision In our paper, published in the European Accounting Review, Marko Čular, Tina Vuko and I investigated whether external auditors rely on the internal auditors if they are involved in consulting services on enterprise risk management (ERM). In recent years, professional bodies have encouraged external auditors to use the work of the internal audit function. To determine whether their work can…
Sergeja Slapničar
Sergeja Slapničar
6 min read

2020 International Accounting Standards Board Research Forum

2020 International Accounting Standards Board Research Forum in Conjunction with Accounting and Business Research &nbsp; Call for Papers The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) will hold its annual research forum in conjunction with Accounting and Business Research (ABR), at the Sa&iuml;d Business School, University of Oxford, on 2 &ndash; 3 November 2020. The Editors of ABR/IASB Research Forum Special Issue, Peter Joos, Per Olsson and Alfred Wagenhofer, invite submissions that can provide evidence to inform…
ARC Commitee
ARC Commitee
2 min read

Announcement of EAA Journal Awards for 2019

We are delighted to announce that the recipients of the European Accounting Association awards for 2019. Congratulations to all of them from the EAA membership! &nbsp; Accounting in Europe Best paper in 2019 Inside the Black Box of IASB Standard Setting: Evidence from Board Meeting Audio Playbacks on the Amendment of IAS 19 (2011) By Rolf Uwe Fülbier and Malte Klein &nbsp; Best reviewers in 2019 Roberto Di Pietra (University of Siena) Francesco Mazzi (University…
ARC Commitee
ARC Commitee
< 1 min read

How to improve climate-related reporting – A summary of good practices from Europe and beyond

In 2019, I joined&nbsp;Project Task Force of Climate-related Reporting of the European Lab as part of European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG). Transparency is key in understanding how companies prepare to deal with the impact of climate change as well as how willing they are to consider their own impact on the environment.&nbsp;Even if the goal is clear, it is a long journey. In practice companies can use the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosure…
Alexandra Middleton
Alexandra Middleton
2 min read

Better audits are possible, but do we want to pay for them?

In the Netherlands the audit profession is under great pressure to deliver better audit quality. The expectation is that auditors always detect major errors when they are present in the unaudited financial statements. The same expectation exists with regards to fraud and bribery. In addition, a firm signed off by the auditor as a going concern should never go bankrupt. The Dutch regulator that oversees the audit profession has a adopted an equally critical position…
Jan Bouwens
Jan Bouwens
4 min read

Tax Transparency as part of Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting

Once considered marginal tax transparency is becoming a new norm in CSR reporting. The law landscape and companies&#39; attitudes are rapidly changing towards greater tax transparency. Revelations such as the Panama and Paradise Papers and demands from citizens, the media and consumers put pressure on the companies to disclose more quality information in relation to tax. In our book &quot;Multinational Enterprises and Transparent Tax Reporting&quot; we track historical development, provide examples of voluntary tax transparency…
Alexandra Middleton
Alexandra Middleton
2 min read

Updates on the preparations for the EAA 2020 congress

As the outcome of the reviewing process is currently being communicated to submitting authors, here are some updates on the preparations for the EAA 2020 congress held in Bucharest, Romania, on 27-29 May 2020. General congress information Interested delegates may find on the congress website a multitude of information about Romania, Bucharest and the congress venues. Additionally, one may find there the preliminary congress schedule, the available travel options and proposals for leisurely activities…
3 min read
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