Latest Blogs

Market Concentration of PIEs – An Analysis of Transparency Report Data

This analysis was originally posted by Audit Analytics. Audit Analytics collects all EEA and member-state defined Public Interest Entities (“PIEs”) disclosed by audit firms in annual transparency reports.  Public Interest Entities are: Entities traded on a regulated market of an EU Member State; Credit institutions; Insurance undertakings; or Entities designated by Member States as public-interest entities (The EU Commission has called these “National PIEs.”) In this post, we look at PIEs disclosed in auditor transparency…
Jessica McKeon
Jessica McKeon
3 min read

Getting ready for the European Accounting Job Market

This blog is coauthored by Cristina Grande Herrera & Antonio B. Vazquez   When does the job market begin? Are you ready for the market? How does the process work? In this post we try to answer these questions and some others with our own job market experiences. The accounting job market starts when you need to prepare your package for the job market conference(s). This package normally comprises your job market paper and CV.…
Cristina Grande Herrera
Cristina Grande Herrera
4 min read

When Cash is “Key”

This analysis was originally posted by Audit Analytics. Cash may be king, but when it comes to auditing, cash is not usually considered a high risk area. The audit procedures around cash usually begin and end with confirming the balance on hand with the company’s banks, and there is very little estimation involved in the balance. Despite the relative ease of auditing cash, we found a handful of cases where audit firms identified cash or…
Jessica McKeon
Jessica McKeon
3 min read

Auditor Changes in the FTSE 100

This analysis was originally posted by Audit Analytics. An average of 11% of FTSE 100 companies have changed their auditor every year since 2014. Looking at the engaged effective date of the auditor changes, we found a consistent trend in the number of changes per year: In the United Kingdom, due to mandatory firm rotation, the maximum initial audit engagement period is ten years. However, the engagement can be extended another ten years following a…
Jessica McKeon
Jessica McKeon
3 min read

Overview of European Key Audit Matter (KAM) Disclosures

This analysis was originally posted by Audit Analytics. The disclosure of Key Audit Matters (KAMs) has been required for over a year now, and there is a lot of data available to be analyzed. In this post, we look at the KAM disclosures of more than 1,200 companies over the past three years and discuss some interesting trends that we see in the data. KAMs are required under ISA 701 for fiscal years ending on or after…
Jessica McKeon
Jessica McKeon
4 min read

Auditor Changes and Audit Fees in Italy

This analysis was originally posted by Audit Analytics. Eleven out of the 100 companies listed on the FTSE MIB and the FTSE Italia Midcap changed their auditors from 2016 to 2017, and seven of those companies saw their audit fees decrease. The transposition of the European Audit Reform was finalized in Italy with the adoption of the Legislative Decree n. 135 of July 17, 2016 with the new rules effective on August 5, 2016. Mandatory firm…
Jessica McKeon
Jessica McKeon
3 min read

Three Ways to Measure Market Concentration: A Comparison Between the UK and Germany

This analysis was originally posted by Audit Analytics. When considering the concentration of the audit market – that is, how competitive the market is between audit firms – there is more than one way to measure control of the market beyond the number of clients an audit firm has. In this post, we look at three different metrics of audit market concentration, namely: 1) the number of clients audited, 2) the total market capitalization audited, and…
Jessica McKeon
Jessica McKeon
4 min read

Sustainability Reporting: Frontstage, Backstage, Façades and Hypocrisy

This blog summarizes the recent talk I recently delivered as part of the York University President's Sustainability Council Seminar Series – which, as its name indicates, addresses a broader audience primarily composed of non-accounting and non-business student, staff and faculty participants interested in various facets of sustainability-related issues. I believe that such exposure makes the topic, hence this blog, perhaps (and hopefully) more relevant. The talk itself was based on two recent papers (Cho et…
7 min read

National Tax Association Conference

NTA Call for Papers: June 1 Submission Deadline   Dear Tax Colleagues: The National Tax Association is holding its 112th Annual Conference on Taxation in Tampa, Florida on Nov. 21-23, 2019. Leslie Robinson is this year’s program co-chair and she was able to allocate several sessions in topical areas that connect directly or indirectly with accounting research. Assuming we have enough demand, we may be able to organize sessions in: 1.       Corporate Tax (session chairs:…
2 min read

EAA Corporate Reporting Committee

With the new EAA Corporate Reporting Committee (CRC), the association wants to actively participate in debates about how companies can and should inform the wide variety of stakeholders about their activities and their impact on society in general. In addition, since non-financial information is increasingly attracting the interest of policy makers and standard setters, through the work of  this new committee the EAA aims to create awareness of the policy issues on these matters, and…
3 min read