SAVE the DATE ** Dec 4th ** EAA Virtual Accounting Research Seminar

Posted by GIOVANNA MICHELON - Nov 10, 2020

The EAA Virtual Activities Task Force is glad to announce that the VARS will resume, as a monthly appointment, starting 

December 4th at 16.15 CET

We are excited that our first guest speaker will be Beatriz García Osma


Beatriz is Professor of Accounting at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and the Editor of the European Accounting Review. She holds a PhD in Accounting & Finance from Lancaster University, where she was also a Marie Curie pre- and post-doctoral researcher. Her research focuses on the links between financial reporting, corporate governance and capital markets. Beatriz has published in national and international Journals, and participated and directed several research projects. She teaches financial accounting, and business analysis and valuation. She was elected to represent Spain in the Board of the European Accounting Association (2014-2020), and also, as a member of the EAA Management Committee (2014-2017). 


Beatriz will open our VARS year with a paper entitled “Narrative conservatism“, co-authored with Juan Manuel García Lara, and Fengzhi Zhu, both at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.


The VARS will also give PhD students and early career faculty member the opportunity to meet invidually with Beatriz (before the seminar, starting at 14.00 CET). And the presentation will be followed by the VARS Virtual Reception (17.45pm). The registration links will open soon. Stay tuned for more details!



EAA Virtual Activities Task Force

Giovanna Michelon (Chair), University of Bristol, UK

Andrei Filip, ESSEC Business School, France

Marco Trombetta, IE Business School, Spain

Victoria Clout, University of New South Wales, Australia

Yasemin Karaibrahimoglu, University of Groningen, Netherlands

Irma Malafronte, University of Roehampton, UK

Evisa Mitrou, Queen Mary University of London, UK