Updates on the preparations for the EAA 2020 congress

Posted by CATALIN NICOLAE ALBU - Feb 07, 2020

As the outcome of the reviewing process is currently being communicated to submitting authors, here are some updates on the preparations for the EAA 2020 congress held in Bucharest, Romania, on 27-29 May 2020.

General congress information

Interested delegates may find on the congress website www.eaacongress.org a multitude of information about Romania, Bucharest and the congress venues. Additionally, one may find there the preliminary congress schedule, the available travel options and proposals for leisurely activities organized outside the congress dates. We highly encourage all prospective delegates to read through the various tabs of the website when making travel plans. Delegates who are interested in making plans for leisure activities should directly arrange these with the organizing company. EAA does not interfere in such arrangements.


We remind the authors of accepted papers that scheduling papers in the program is contingent upon the registration of at least one author before 29 February 2020. To register, please go to the section “Registration” on the conference website www.eaacongress.orgPresenting authors are expected to be available for presentation on all three congress days.

Please bear in mind that the congress early registration fee applies until 29 February 2020. When registering, you will be asked to indicate your wish to be a discussant and/or a session chair. Please do volunteer for these roles as they are very important for the quality of the annual congress.


Accommodation options in Bucharest are plentiful. EAA does not interfere in organizing delegates’ accommodation. However, the local organizing committee has secured a good number of rooms at preferential rates for EAA 2020 congress participants, and these options are posted online on the Accommodation tab of the conference website. All these options have an expiration clock set around the early bird registration deadline, so we encourage you to deal with this matter sooner rather than later. Plus, May is a great period to visit Bucharest, so accommodation will sell fast. Additional options include other hotels in the area and the usual booking or lodging websites.

Given the rush hour traffic in Bucharest, and since all events are located downtown, we encourage delegates to book accommodation, if possible, within reasonable walking distance from the congress venues.

Congress program

The local organizing committee plans to disseminate information about the conference program by 30 April 2020. A dedicated app will also be available to congress delegates, a few days before the congress.


For any other information, do not hesitate to contact the local organizing committee at eaa2020bucharest@gmail.com.

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