Virtual Accounting Research Seminar 2021-2022

Posted by GIOVANNA MICHELON - Sep 13, 2021

The Virtual Activities Committee is pleased to announce that the Virtual Accounting Research Seminar (VARS) Series will resume on Friday October 1st, and will continue until July 2022, as a monthly EAA virtual event. The registration is now open at

So far, we have put together an exciting and diverse programme, which we hope you will enjoy. 

Oct 1 Mary Barth (Stanford University)

Nov 5 Sven Modell (University of Manchester)

Dec 3 Anna Gold (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Jan 7 Andrea Mennicken (London School of Economics)

Feb 4 Jan Bouwens (University of Amsterdam)

Mar 4 Yves Gendron (Université Laval)

Speakers for rest of the 2022 VARS will be announced later in the year.

The EAA VARS was conceived to facilitate the continued exchange and discussion of accounting research findings in Europe and around the world. The series is free and open to all, although recordings of previous seminars will be made available to EAA members on the ARC Repository at presenters’ discretion.

One great feature of the VARS is the possibility for PhD students and early career faculty members to register for a 30-minute meeting slot with the guest speaker to discuss your own research and theirs. Registration for these individual slots will open one week prior to the seminar and slots will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Each seminar is also followed by a virtual social reception for those who wish to engage informally with the speaker. The virtual reception is open to all interested parties and is meant for agenda-free group discussions and fun. The same registration procedure applies.
We look forward to seeing you at the VARS!
The EAA Virtual Activities Committee
Giovanna Michelon
Marco Trombettta
Michelle Carr
Yasemin Karaibrahimoglu
Irma Malafronte
Evisa Mitrou
Chaoyuan She