The Doctorate (PhD) In Accountancy In Europe: 1.1

Posted by WILLEM BUIJINK - Apr 29, 2017

EIASM, the European Institute for Advanced Studies is Management is an important institution for academic researchers in Business (Management) in Europe. Important in general, but also for Doctoral (PhD) students.

EIASM organizes the EDEN ( European Doctoral Education Network ) Doctoral Seminars program.

A subset of that program are the EDEN Accounting Doctoral Seminars. You should check these out!

More generally, EIASM administers the European Accounting Association, of which ARC is an initiative, and the other academic research associations in Business in Europe: e.g. for Finance,  EFA; for General Management , EURAM; etc.. EIASM was created in the late sixties to develop academic Business research in European universities. With great success.

For one, all these associations, including the EAA originated within EIASM. Check out its website for its history and achievements here:

The European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) was set up at the same time, also in Brussels, as a parallel initiative, by the same people. The roles determined at the time were, and still are: EIASM would foster academic research in Business in Europe, EFMD university Business education. The EFMD nowadays is best known for its EQUIS Business School accreditation label. EFMD will reappear later in these posts as well.

Their website is here:

Evidently in Doctoral Education EIASM and EFMD have a shared interest, this will become clear.