Private Firm Accounting Literature Database

Given the importance of private firms for the global economy, there is a growing interest in research on private firms in general and on private firm accounting in particular. Our openly accessible online app (Privat Firm Accounting Literature Database) allows interested readers to explore their own dip into the literature. The database allows to filter for: Keywords / full-text search Topics (e.g. accounting quality, audit, banks, disclosure, IFRS, …) Country/Regions Data source (e.g. Orbis, Amadeus, or…
< 1 min read


&#8212; EAA JOB MARKET FOR ACCOUNTING ACADEMICS (Madrid. November 8-9, 2024) Building Bridges between Young Talent and Academic Institutions Institutions of higher learning witness increasing mobility of PhD students and faculty. Combining the strengths of the web and face-to-face initiatives, the Management Committee of the EAA agreed to launch the ninth edition of its job market, a Talent Workshop, for accounting academics. Supporting institutions The Talent Workshop held editions in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018,…
4 min read

EAA Visiting PhD Scheme at Bocconi University – Post-visit report by Furqan Shah

My visit to Bocconi University through the EAA PhD Scheme was a profoundly enriching experience, providing me with invaluable opportunities to interact with PhD students and faculty members. Interacting with PhD students and faculty over coffee catchups and lunches was a highlight of my stay. These informal gatherings allowed me to discuss my research and gain fresh perspectives and constructive feedback. This interactive environment has certainly enhanced the quality of my research endeavors. I also…
ARC Commitee
ARC Commitee
2 min read

Understanding the Role of Audit Committee Chairs in Enhancing Audit Quality

In the complex world of financial reporting, Audit Committee Chairs (ACCs) play a pivotal role in ensuring the integrity of corporate governance. What are their personal objectives and incentives that guide them in their actions to maintain and improve audit quality? The recent European Accounting Review article “Audit Committee Chairs’ Objectives and Risk Perceptions: Implications for Audit Quality” (Jürgen Ernstberger, Bernhard Pellens, André Schmidt, Thorsten Sellhorn &amp; Katharina Weiß) shows how ACCs’ personal objectives and…
Thorsten Sellhorn
Thorsten Sellhorn
3 min read

International PhD Visit Scheme – Simon Thies

Simon Thies is a PhD student at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. He recently concluded his visit at Tilburg University. &nbsp; During my visit, I had many interesting conversations with inspiring and supportive researchers that significantly helped me develop my projects. The reading group and the accounting research seminars provided a great opportunity to learn about current research topics and to witness diverse perspectives on research projects. Together with several colleagues, I also attended the…
ARC Commitee
ARC Commitee
2 min read

New version: Introductory Guide to Using Stata in Empirical Financial Accounting Research

A new version of my Stata guide is now available and freely accessible via Github (including code and data examples). Please see or here to go directly to the pdf. The objective of this guide is to assist BSc/MSc students, PhD students, and junior researchers in using Stata for empirical archival research. Stata is a powerful program that can be used to analyze many different research questions in the fields of accounting, finance, economics,…
2 min read

A Problem in the Call for Applications of the 2022 Bergen EAA Doctoral Colloquium: and a solution

In April 2021 the composition of the Faculty for the 2021 EAA Virtual Doctoral Colloquium drew criticism, see the ARC Blog, May 8, 2021 and the EAA Newsletter, June 8, 2021, from parts of the EAA membership. The critics maintained that the composition of the 2021 DC Faculty members &#8216;[signalled] &#8230; a lack of openness for qualitative, organizational and sociological accounting research&#8217;, compared to the composition of the DC Faculty in prior years. This critique…
4 min read

On the EAA Doctoral Colloquium

Message from the EAA President, President-Elect, and the Co-chairs of the EAA Doctoral Colloquium 8 May 2021 In mid-April, the EAA announced here the faculty composition for the 2021 EAA Doctoral Colloquium (DC). Subsequently, several respected colleagues (including former editors of EAR, EAA Management Committee members as well as DC co-chairs and faculty) voiced concerns. Their tenor: The current DC faculty composition looks deeply unbalanced and signals a lack of openness for qualitative, organizational and…
Thorsten Sellhorn
Thorsten Sellhorn
7 min read

PhD Grants – International Accounting Section of the American Accounting Association

This year the International Accounting Section will award several grants for PhD students to help with the cost of attending the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting.  Because the meeting will be held virtually, the grants will cover the AAA annual meeting registration fee as well as the American Accounting Association’s 2021-2022 Student membership and the 2021-2022 membership fee in the International Accounting Section. Grant award recipients must agree to be a discussant during a concurrent session of the Section at the Annual Meeting. Please inform your PhD students who…
ARC Commitee
ARC Commitee
< 1 min read

PhD students selected to attend the CAAA Annual Conference 2021

We are pleased to announce the PhD students selected to attend the CAAA Annual Conference 2021, under the EAA-CAAA agreement. Congratulations! &nbsp; Fengzhi Zhu, Carlos III Madrid Marco Errico, ESADE Michael Farrel, University of Ireland Galway Xiaochi Ge, Cass Business School &nbsp;
ARC Commitee
ARC Commitee
< 1 min read
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