Nominations are now open for the 2021 EAA Anthony G. Hopwood Award for Academic Leadership.

Posted by PAUL ANDRE - Nov 19, 2020

Nominations are now open for the 2021 EAA Anthony G. Hopwood Award for Academic Leadership.


The Award was established in 2005 and renamed to honour Professor Anthony G. Hopwood, who played a prominent role in the creation and development of the EAA. The previous recipients of the award are Stephen Zeff, Sten Jönsson, Michael Shields and Willem Buijink.

The award is made each year at the EAA Annual Congress, subject to there being a worthy recipient.

The Anthony G. Hopwood Award is intended to recognize academic excellence, combined with academic leadership and contribution to the EAA.



Nominations are sought from all members of the EAA.

Current members of the EAA Management Committee, Committee Chairs, current EAA journal editors, and members of the Nominating Committee are ineligible to receive the award. Self-nominations are not permitted.


Award Committee

The EAA Management Committee has identified Paul André as Chair of the Award Committee, and Giovanna Michelon and Thorsten Sellhorn as additional two members.

The Award Committee will solicit and receive all nominations made for the Anthony G. Hopwood Award for Leadership from EAA members.

The Committee will review the nominations and accompanying material received and will also seek and obtain whatever additional information it requires to reach a decision.


Criteria for the Award

  • Leadership and service to the EAA community, including doctoral consortium participation, service on EAA committees, regular participation in congresses and symposia and editorial responsibilities.


  • Production of a significant body of work, including journal articles, monographs, books or other works published over the candidate’s career, judged to have made a distinct and valuable contribution to the advancement of accounting thought.


Nominations procedure

EAA members are invited to nominate suitable potential recipients of this award by emailing by January 24th 2021.


The nomination package must include each of the following:

  • A nomination letter identifying the nominee and her/his current affiliation and email address
  • A statement summarizing, in terms of the award criteria, why the nominee merits consideration,
  • The nominee’s current curriculum vitae and other appropriate evidence documenting the nominee’s accomplishments.


Those submitting nominations are encouraged to present information gathered from others to support the nomination.

Deadline for nominations: Sunday 24th January 2021



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