EAR Best paper/reviewer awards

Posted by ARC Commitee - Feb 23, 2021


European Accounting Review

Announcement of Best Paper and Best Reviewer Awards


After careful revision of all the manuscripts published in European Accounting Review in 2020, and having received the votes of both the Associate Editors and the Editorial Board members, I am delighted to announce the awards for Best Paper published during the year:


2020 European Accounting Review Best Paper Award

“Camouflaged Indicators of Earnings Management” by Itay Kama (University of Michigan) and Nahum Melumad (Columbia University). https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09638180.2019.1595693


This years’ runner-up to the best paper award was the paper by Tomas Hjelström, Juha-Pekka Kallunki, Henrik Nilsson & Milda Tylaite, on “Executives’ Personal Tax Behavior and Corporate Tax Avoidance Consistency” https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09638180.2019.1642222


I am also delighted to inform you that after careful revision of all our reviewing statistics, the contribution to European Accounting Review of two reviewers stands out:


2020 European Accounting Review Best Reviewer Award

Jonas Heese, Harvard Business School

Jacco Wielhouwer, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam



European Accounting Review would also like to recognize the contribution of its over 700 reviewers, among which, the following reviewers stand out in terms of the number of reviews provided for the Journal, the quality of the reports, and the timeliness with which the feedback has arrived to our authors.


Excellence in Reviewing Recognition

Aghazadeh, Sanaz Louisiana State University System
Ahrens, Thomas United Arab Emirates University
Aobdia, Daniel Northwestern University
Bleibtreu, Christopher BI Norwegian Business School
Bozanic, Zahn Florida State University
Carlsson-Wall, Martin Stockholm School of Economics
Carrera, Nieves IE Business School
Goretzki, Lukas Stockholm School of Economics
Ikäheimo, Seppo Aalto University
Isidro, Helena ISCTE-IUL Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Konstantinidi, Theodosia City Univ London
Livne, Gilad University of Exeter
Lourenço, Sofia ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa
Marques, Ana Norwich Business School
Moll, Jodie Queensland University of Technology
Mora, Araceli Universidad de Valencia
Penalva, Fernando University of Navarra, IESE Business School
Pierk, Jochen Erasmus University Rotterdam Erasmus School of Economics
Scarlat, Elvira IE Business School
Stomberg, Bridget Indiana University
Sureth-Sloane, Caren Paderborn University
Tan, Hun-Tong Nanyang Technological University
White, Brian The University of Texas at Austin
Yin, Huaxiang Nanyang Technological University
Zhou, Shan University of Sydney Business School