Why not use a funny game to start your next class?

Posted by Anastasia Kopita - Jun 21, 2023


It was great having Patricia Everaert hosting a fantastic hands-on Classroom session during the EAA Annual Congress at Espoo, Helsinki.


We left the room with several ideas and readily-available tools to use in our accounting courses, that will certainly make learning more engaging, novel, surprising and exciting!


More specifically, to have a look at the DUGA tool, you can go to www.duga.castars.net and register.  Add the code 590de1 and you can start playing some sample questions of financial accounting.

Interested to use DUGA as a teacher with your students? Please contact the creators and they will be happy to give you a personal code. To get access as a teacher, please take a moment to fill out this form.

More information is provided on the creators’ website: www.accountingeducation.ugent.be  under the heading of the events, select EAA class room session or follow this link: https://www.accountingeducation.ugent.be/en/events/eaa-2023-classroom-session


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