EAA Annual Congress

Why not use a funny game to start your next class?

It was great to see Patricia Everaert holding a fantastic hands-on Classroom session during the EAA Annual Congress at Espoo, Helsinki. We left the room with several ideas and readily-available tools to use in our accounting courses, that will certainly make learning more engaging, novel, surprising and exciting! More specifically, to have a look at the DUGA tool, you can go to www.duga.castars.net and register.  Add the code 590de1 and you can start playing some…
Anastasia Kopita
Anastasia Kopita
< 1 min read

Why not use a funny game to start your next class?

&nbsp; It was great having Patricia Everaert hosting a fantastic hands-on Classroom session during the EAA Annual Congress at Espoo, Helsinki. &nbsp; We left the room with several ideas and readily-available tools to use in our accounting courses, that will certainly make learning more engaging, novel, surprising and exciting! &nbsp; More specifically, to have a look at the DUGA tool, you can go to www.duga.castars.net and register.  Add the code 590de1 and you can start playing…
Anastasia Kopita
Anastasia Kopita
< 1 min read

Publication outcomes after presenting at the EAA Annual Congress

by Edith Leung and Jochen Pierk December 2022 One of the most visible activities of the EAA is the Annual Congress, which provides a forum for academics to meet and discuss research. Although the Congress serves many important purposes, such as symposia and networking, a key reason for many academics to attend is to present and receive feedback on ongoing research in one of the scientific sessions. The aim of these sessions is to help…
11 min read

A counter account of the EAA Congress Gala Dinner’s keynote

“Our house is on fire”. Three years have passed since these famous Greta Thunberg&#8217;s words at the World Economic Forum and at the European Parliament. Countless global strikes, manifestations and discussions have taken place since then. We are also witnessing a growing interest in social and environmental reporting/disclosure, including from regulators and policymakers. However, we are still celebrating oil companies, their activities, and their investment strategies. The recent keynote at the 2022 EAA Congress gala…
Alessandro Ghio
Alessandro Ghio
3 min read

A Problem in the Call for Applications of the 2022 Bergen EAA Doctoral Colloquium: and a solution

In April 2021 the composition of the Faculty for the 2021 EAA Virtual Doctoral Colloquium drew criticism, see the ARC Blog, May 8, 2021 and the EAA Newsletter, June 8, 2021, from parts of the EAA membership. The critics maintained that the composition of the 2021 DC Faculty members &#8216;[signalled] &#8230; a lack of openness for qualitative, organizational and sociological accounting research&#8217;, compared to the composition of the DC Faculty in prior years. This critique…
4 min read

On the EAA Doctoral Colloquium

Message from the EAA President, President-Elect, and the Co-chairs of the EAA Doctoral Colloquium 8 May 2021 In mid-April, the EAA announced here the faculty composition for the 2021 EAA Doctoral Colloquium (DC). Subsequently, several respected colleagues (including former editors of EAR, EAA Management Committee members as well as DC co-chairs and faculty) voiced concerns. Their tenor: The current DC faculty composition looks deeply unbalanced and signals a lack of openness for qualitative, organizational and…
Thorsten Sellhorn
Thorsten Sellhorn
7 min read

Corona virus implications for EAA Annual Congress 2020

The preparations for the EAA Annual Congress of 2020 continue. Given nearly 1,000 early-bird registrations by the end of February, the EAA is fully committed to doing whatever it takes to organize the Congress as planned. Please read here further information: http://www.eaacongress.org/r/default.asp?iID=JDLFLD
ARC Commitee
ARC Commitee
< 1 min read

Updates on the preparations for the EAA 2020 congress

As the outcome of the reviewing process is currently being communicated to submitting authors, here are some updates on the preparations for the EAA 2020 congress held in Bucharest, Romania, on 27-29 May 2020. General congress information Interested delegates may find on the congress website www.eaacongress.org a multitude of information about Romania, Bucharest and the congress venues. Additionally, one may find there the preliminary congress schedule, the available travel options and proposals for leisurely activities…
3 min read

EAA 2020 congress first announcement and call for papers

We kindly invite you to submit a paper for, and consider attending the European Accounting Association&#8217;s 43rd Annual Congress on 27-29 May 2020 in Bucharest, Romania. The congress will take place at 2 5-star hotels situated downtown Bucharest, namely the Athenee Palace Hilton Hotel and the Radisson Blu Hotel. Additionally, iconic restaurant and locations have been chosen to host the congresses&#8217; social events, completing the experience of the congress delegates. The Romanian Athenaeum, the Palace of…
2 min read

EAA Annual Congress 2019 – Who said accountants are boring?

Finally, time to relax!  After literally years of planning, the 42nd EAA annual Congress that took place in Paphos, Cyprus is over.  The local hosts organized the meeting having two main goals in mind. Our first goal was to ensure that the Congress offered participants a rich academic and intellectual experience. Toward that end, during this year’s Congress we held two IFRS Foundation events, one of which was on primary financial statements, nine symposia with diverse…
Irene Karamanou
Irene Karamanou
4 min read