We are pleased to announce the 28th annual Financial Reporting and Business Communication (FRBC) conference organised by the Athens University of Economics & Business, the Adam Smith Observatory of Corporate Reporting Practices (University of Glasgow) and the Financial Accounting and Reporting Special Interest Group of the British Accounting and Finance Association. The FRBC conference is one of the premier conferences of its kind worldwide and it attracts an international and highly engaged audience. The conference comprises sessions with full papers with discussants, developmental paper
sessions and a doctoral stream.
The conference addresses key areas of accounting, financial reporting, corporate reporting and business communication which are of interest to accounting academics and practitioners. These include, but are not limited to:
Manuscripts submission
Full and developmental papers stream
The conference accepts both full and developmental papers. Full papers presented will be assigned a discussant to provide comments. Developmental papers can be either a work-inprogress paper or an extended abstract (of no less than 1,000 words). Submissions on the above-mentioned topics and on other aspects of financial reporting and business communication are welcome. Papers may take empirical, theoretical and conceptual approaches, including case studies or experiments.
Doctoral stream
For doctoral students wishing to present in the doctoral stream, a structured abstract of up to 1,000 words should be submitted. A Sue Harsky Scholarship is available for FRBC 2025 to doctoral students in the doctoral stream. This comprises a doctoral fee waiver, and receipted travel to the conference, subsistence and accommodation costs related to the conference (of up to £500). All submissions by doctoral students will be considered for the scholarship. The award of the Scholarship will be communicated via email.
Submissions should be made by emailing frbc2025@aueb.gr The submission deadline is 30thApril 2025. Authors should indicate in their submission whether their paper should be considered for the FULL, DEVELOPMENTAL or DOCTORAL paper track.
Notification of acceptance
Submissions will be considered at a first-come, first-served basis and authors will be notified about the acceptance of their paper the soonest possible after submission and no later than 15th May 2025.
Further details are available here: https://www.dept.aueb.gr/en/loxri/frbc2025
Step 1: To register, you need to be a BAFA member. In case you are not, please register as a BAFA member on the BAFA website: https://membership.bafa.ac.uk/become-a-member/
Step 2: Once registered, you will find the 28th FRBC Conference in the Events (top right on the User dashboard page) and click on to register for the Conference (full registration fee £240 and doctoral registration fee £120). Registration deadline: 31st May 2025
PLEASE NOTE: You do NOT need to be a BAFA member to submit a paper for consideration to
the conference. However, you will need to be a member to register for and attend the