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Virtual Accounting Research Seminar 2021-2022

The Virtual Activities Committee is pleased to announce that the Virtual Accounting Research Seminar (VARS) Series will resume on Friday October 1st, and will continue until July 2022, as a monthly EAA virtual event. The registration is now open at So far, we have put together an exciting and diverse programme, which we hope you will enjoy.  Oct 1 Mary Barth (Stanford University) Nov 5 Sven Modell (University of Manchester) Dec 3 Anna Gold (Vrije…
2 min read

Create engaging online content using OBS Studio

Covid-19 and lockdowns have accelerated the gradual move to online and hybrid teaching from an evolution to a revolution – during 2020 and the first half of 2021, educators were confronted with digital challenges and new pedagogical approaches that only seem to be the online equivalent of traditional classroom teaching. Still an undiscovered land for many, video conferencing platforms like Microsoft Teams, Zoom, or Cisco Webex Meetings put restrictions on what the educator could do…
Anastasia Kopita
Anastasia Kopita
2 min read

Global survey aims to map sustainability and climate change across accounting and finance education

Do you teach about carbon disclosures, or ESG? Does sustainability feature in your teaching? What have you experienced when teaching these topics? What insight and support could you offer to those wishing to teach these subjects? Shona Russell, John Ferguson and Ian Thomson have launched an online survey aims understand academics’ experiences of teaching sustainability and climate change in accounting and finance degree programmes around the world. If you have experience of teaching these topics…
Shona Russell
Shona Russell
2 min read

Has IFRS 9 improved the relevance of accounting loan loss provisions for CDS pricing?

Yes, but…   In 2018, banks have implemented the expected credit loss (ECL) model under International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 9 to estimate loan losses, which replaces the incurred loss model under International Accounting Standard (IAS) 39. The key novelty of the ECL model is the incorporation of forward-looking information for recognizing accounting loan loss provisions (LLPs), which provides ample room for managerial discretion. The literature recognizes accounting discretion as a double-edged sword. On the one…
Romain Oberson
Romain Oberson
3 min read

Gender in the Accounting Profession

After the success of the Diversity Roundtable Conversation at the EAA Virtual Congress, the EAA Virtual Activities Committee is delighted to host another event on “Gender in the Accounting Profession”, which will take place on Zoom, on September 22, 2021 at 4.00pm CEST. Registration is now open here. Despite their important role in the profession, women accountants still face significant challenges and little has been done to improve gender equity. The low presence of women in senior…
3 min read

The Tax Complexity Index: An innovative measure to analyze tax complexity across countries

Recently, the relevance of tax complexity has increased significantly. This is a potential threat for the economy and society since the negative consequences of complex tax systems can jeopardize economic prosperity and encourage undesired tax planning as well as tax avoidance. However, research on the impact of tax complexity on the economy and society is limited. It is unclear how to measure complexity: a comprehensive assessment of tax complexity across different countries is needed.  …
4 min read

Recording of webinar: The price of time – discounting in financial reporting

RECORDINGS | EAA, EFRAG ICAS joint webinar: The price of time – discounting in financial reporting – 9/07/21 Stakeholders can now watch the recordings of the EAA, EFRAG ICAS joint webinar: The price of time: discounting in fiancial reporting held on Friday 9 July. Through the event academics and experts debated the issue of discounting in financial reporting. Read the complete news EFRAG – European Financial Reporting Advisory Group AISBL-IVZW 35 Square de Meeûs – B-1000 Brussels  
ARC Commitee
ARC Commitee
< 1 min read

A Theory of ‘Why and How’ Audit Firms Choose to Specialize

In a recent study, published in the European Accounting Review (EAR), Ronen Gal-Or and Esther Gal-Or&nbsp;examine analytically the strategic path auditors take towards becoming industry specialists in terms of their investments in the acquisition of industry specific knowledge and their pricing behavior. A large body of empirical research examines whether and under what conditions industry specialist auditors provide a quality differentiated product (e.g. Balsam, Krishnan and Yang 2003; Reichelt and Wang 2010; Minutti-Meza 2013; Francis…
ARC Commitee
ARC Commitee
6 min read

The Value Relevance of Corporate Investment in Carbon Abatement: The Influence of National Climate Policy

Massive investment is required to achieve the ambitious goal of the Paris Agreement to ensure that the rising global temperature in this century is kept well below 2&deg;C above the preindustrial level (IPCC, 2018). Although the literature on carbon accounting is growing, studies on the valuation impact of firms&rsquo; carbon abatement investment (CAI) are scarce, and the influence of country-specific climate policies is largely underexplored. We draw on both the benefit and cost perspectives of…
ARC Commitee
ARC Commitee
3 min read

Do Risk Disclosures Matter for Bank Performance? A Moderating Effect of Risk Committee

In the aftermath of the GFC, there have been increased efforts by policy makers and professional bodies to improve risk governance mechanism. There has been considerably much regulatory and academic speculation that excessive risk-taking in the financial sector played a critical role in the GFC. Consequently, recommendations have been made in several policy documents for an overarching risk management framework, highlighting the need for banks to implement a risk committee. However, the issue now, is…
European Accounting Association
European Accounting Association
2 min read