Latest Blogs

Update from the EAA Stakeholder Reporting Committee – Response to the Ad Personam Mandate of EFRAG Board President Jean-Paul Gauzès on Non-Financial Reporting Standard Setting

Posted by Begoña Giner, Laura Girella and Lúcia Lima Rodrigues, on behalf of the EAA Stakeholder Reporting Committee (EAA SRC) In response to the letter of Mr. Gauzes, EFRAG Board President, on the Ad Personam Mandate on Non-Financial Reporting Standard Setting, dated 1 October 2020, the Stakeholder Reporting Committee of the European Accounting Association (“the SRC”) issued a response letter (see attached PDF file) outlining our position in relation to the issues raised therein. Our…
EAA Stakeholder Reporting Committee
EAA Stakeholder Reporting Committee
3 min read

Report and video: 2nd IASB-EAA Virtual Research Workshop (IASB Discussion Paper “Business Combinations – Disclosures, Goodwill and Impairment”)

Last Friday, 30 October 2020, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) in conjunction with the European Accounting Association (EAA) held the 2nd episode of its IASB-EAA Virtual Research Workshop series. The seminar provided an overview of the IASB’s Business Combinations – Disclosures, Goodwill and Impairment Discussion Paper (DP) and relevant academic literature, as summarized in a recent review paper by Amir Amel-Zadeh (University of Oxford), Martin Glaum (WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management), and myself. Each…
Thorsten Sellhorn
Thorsten Sellhorn
2 min read

Taxes, Liabilities Among Common Reasons for Financial Restatements in Europe

This analysis was originally posted by Audit Analytics.   Audit Analytics recently released the Europe Financial Restatements database, consisting of financial restatements for accounting errors due to accounting rule misapplications, clerical issues, and fraud. Collected from English language press releases, annual reports, and interim reports issued between January 2018 and September 2020, the population listed on regulated exchanges contains 355 individual restatements and represents companies headquartered in 41 different countries. The top five countries represented in…
Jessica McKeon
Jessica McKeon
3 min read

Virtual research workshop: IASB’s Business Combinations – Disclosures, Goodwill and Impairment Discussion Paper

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) in conjunction with the European Accounting Association (EAA) will hold a virtual research workshop on 30 October 2020 at 12.00-14.00 (CET). The seminar will provide an overview of the IASB’s Business Combinations – Disclosures, Goodwill and Impairment Discussion Paper (DP) and relevant academic literature. The proposals in this project aim to improve the information companies provide to investors, at a reasonable cost, about the acquisitions those companies make. The…
ARC Commitee
ARC Commitee
< 1 min read


&nbsp; You are invited by the International Accounting Section of the American Accounting Association to participate in a research webinar series focusing on International Accounting Research. &nbsp; Tuesday, November 3rd:&nbsp;7:00 pm-8:00 pm, Eastern (Midnight-1:00 am, November 4th, GMT) Presenter:&nbsp;C. S. Agnes Cheng &ndash; The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Moderator:&nbsp;Helen Kang, UNSW Business School To register in advance for the November 3rd webinar:&nbsp;CLICK HERE &nbsp; Tuesday, November 17th: 9:00 am-10:00 am, Eastern (2:00 pm-3:00 pm, GMT)…
Ana Marques
Ana Marques
2 min read

Time estimation errors in costing systems

Sophie Maussen &amp; Sophie Hooz&eacute;e (Ghent University) In a recent article, published in the European Accounting Review, we experimentally studied the joint impact of task interruption and interactive time estimation on the accuracy of time estimates. Employee estimates of task duration constitute an important element of many organizations&rsquo; costing systems. As time estimates are subject to estimation error, they may be a source of measurement error, and, subsequently, result in distortions in product and service…
2 min read

Update from the EAA Stakeholder Reporting Committee – Responses to the GRI Universal and Sector Standards Project

Posted by Charles Cho and Ian Thomson, on behalf of the EAA Stakeholder Reporting Committee (EAA SRC) In March 2019 the Global Sustainability Standards Board of the Global Reporting Initiative initiated a review of universal and sector (oil, gas and coal) standards project. The public comment and consultation period seeking input on each first exposure drafts was June-September 2020 and July-October 2020 for the universal standards and oil and gas sector standards, respectively. The EAA…
EAA Stakeholder Reporting Committee
EAA Stakeholder Reporting Committee
5 min read

Open letter to the Chair of the IFRS Foundation Trustees

Last week, under the initiative and leadership of Carol Adams, Professors of Accounting conducting research in the field of sustainability accounting and reporting and Editors of accounting journals that publish this research wrote to the Chair of the IFRS Foundation Trustees in light of the IFRS Foundation&rsquo;s Consultation Paper on Sustainability Reporting. As a signatory, I am reproducing the letter on this blog (also attached as PDF and available online here as well). * Note…
18 min read

Photographs May Undermine Efforts by Accounting Firms to Portray Diversity and Inclusion

Posted on behalf of Merridee Bujaki &nbsp; Online recruitment documents can function as a vehicle for organizations to reflect their values and present themselves as inclusive. When it comes to interpreting photographs in online recruitment documents, however, organizations need to be aware multiple interpretations of their photographs may be possible. These interpretations may conflict with efforts to convey diversity and inclusion. In a study recently published in the European Accounting Review, Sylvain Durocher, Fran&ccedil;ois Brouard,…
ARC Commitee
ARC Commitee
4 min read

Exploring the Role of Management Control Anchor Practices in new Product Development

Martin Carlsson-Wall, Lukas Goretzki, Kalle Kraus &amp; Johnny Lind (Stockholm School of Economics) &nbsp; New product development (NPD) is a key activity for organizations to successfully compete and grow because a large amount of the total product cost is determined already during this particular stage. There is hence a lot of pressure on companies to properly manage the NPD process which is also why they usually employ various types of management controls. Researchers have demonstrated…
ARC Commitee
ARC Commitee
3 min read