Latest Blogs

Pension Deficits and Corporate Financial Policy: Does Accounting Transparency Matter?

Despite the significance of DB pension plans for risk and investment decisions (Campbell et al., 2012; Cardinale, 2007; Jin et al., 2006; Rauh; 2006), before the adoption of IFRS in 2005 some EU countries, including France, did not require pension plan transparency under domestic accounting standards. In a recent study, published in the European Accounting Review (EAR), Vicky Kiosse, Peter Pope and I study the changes in financial policies following a regulatory shock to the accounting transparency of…
5 min read

Market Concentration of PIEs – An Analysis of Transparency Report Data

This analysis was originally posted by Audit Analytics. According to Article 13 of the Audit Regulation of 2014 (Regulation EU 537/2014), a statutory auditor of a public interest entity (PIE) must publish an annual transparency report on the firm’s website, at the latest four months after the end of each financial year. Among other disclosures, the transparency report must include a list of public interest entities for which the statutory auditor or audit firm carried out…
Jessica McKeon
Jessica McKeon
5 min read

Shrinking Auditor Market in the Netherlands: Addendum and a Suggestion

I think it is helpful to add some information to the Audit Analytics blog post about concentration in the market for PIE statutory audits in the Netherlands. I add information about concentration in the market for non-PIE statutory audits. It is noteworthy that in the market for non-PIE statutory audits the same process of concentration is occurring. I also add some reflections and a suggestion. Some context: the Dutch auditing oversight body is called AFM,…
4 min read

An Overview of KAMs – 2019

This analysis was originally posted by Audit Analytics.   Since our last analysis of key audit matters in December 2019, the Audit Analytics KAMs database has grown to include over 40,000 KAMs from the audit opinions of over 4,600 companies. KAMs, required under ISA 701 for fiscal years ending on or after December 15, 2016, are intended to increase the usefulness and information provided in the auditor’s opinion. The disclosures made by the auditor are supposed to…
Jessica McKeon
Jessica McKeon
5 min read

Shrinking Auditor Market in the Netherlands

This analysis was originally posted by Audit Analytics. Auditor market share is extremely concentrated in the Netherlands due to the dwindling number of audit firms registered to audit public interest entities (PIEs). In 2018, there were nine audit firms licensed to audit PIEs. However, in the past year, three have chosen to leave the PIE market, leaving both listed and non-listed PIEs searching for new auditors long before the mandatory rotation. Following Regulation (EU) No 537/2014 of…
Jessica McKeon
Jessica McKeon
5 min read

COVID-19 Impacts on European Audit Opinions

This analysis was originally posted by Audit Analytics. This post will be updated to reflect the current number of filings citing the COVID-19 pandemic in a going concern opinion, key audit matter, or emphasis of matter.   Overall Statistics As of the week ended 17 July 2020, Audit Analytics has observed the following trends in European audit opinions referencing COVID-191: Going Concern Modifications: 126 Emphasis of Matter: 215 Key Audit Matters: 336 Based on company…
Jessica McKeon
Jessica McKeon
5 min read

Webinar on Data Analytics in Accounting and Auditing

The Brazilian Accounting Association (ANPCont – Associação Nacional de Programas de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Contábeis) is organizing a webinar on Data Analytics in Accounting and Auditing. The Webinar is free for the community, it's only necessary the registration here (Link: Date: 07/22/2020 at 6pm – São Paulo Time Zone UTC -3.   Prof. Partha Mohapatra is Accounting Analytics assistant professor of California State University at Sacramento. He teaches Accounting Analytics, Accounting Information Systems and Managerial Accounting…
José Elias Feres de Almeida
José Elias Feres de Almeida
< 1 min read

Giving teaching (back) its proper place

As accounting educators, our job is to impart knowledge and skills that will make our students successful in their careers, and then test them on how well they retained them. Right? My 10-year-old son&#39;s primary school farewell party last week made me wonder if that is all, and not for the first time. The kids had made a heart-warming 25-minute video for their teacher. Asked about what they liked most about her, many said things…
Thorsten Sellhorn
Thorsten Sellhorn
5 min read

EAA and IASB join virtual forces: New opportunities for evidence-informed standard setting

Last Friday, 10 July 2020, the EAA collaborated with the IASB to bring you another mosaic piece in the EAA&#8217;s virtual events initiative: the IASB/EAA virtual workshop on the IASB&#8217;s Primary Financial Statements project and its related Exposure Draft ED/2019/7 General Presentation and Disclosure (watch the video here). IASB Board members Ann Tarca and Tom Scott as well as Staff members Ana Simpson and Aida Vatrenjak shared their expertise and gathered important insights and comments…
Thorsten Sellhorn
Thorsten Sellhorn
2 min read

Farewell tribute to Prof. Rob Gray

On behalf of the CSEAR Council and Directorate &nbsp; We are deeply saddened for the loss of our friend, colleague and mentor Professor Rob Gray. Rob pioneered the field of social and environmental accounting (SEA) and was the founder of the Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research (CSEAR), of the Social and Environmental Accounting (now Accountability) Journal and established the CSEAR UK Conference in the early 1990s, which has now developed into a series…
2 min read
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