Latest Blogs

Earnings Management and the Role of Moral Values in Investing

In a world where financial returns often take center stage, this study sheds light on the powerful role of moral values in investment decisions. This research delves into how investors perceive CEOs based on their engagement in earnings management and how these perceptions, coupled with the investors’ own moral values, influence their investment choices. The study primarily revolves around the concept of earnings management – the practice where CEOs can legally influence reported earnings. In…
ARC Commitee
ARC Commitee
2 min read

Enhancing the Social Relevance of Accounting Research

What is the value of accounting research for diverse stakeholders? While this question is certainly very difficult to answer, let alone quantify, we often hear concerns regarding the lack of relevance beyond academia. Publishing high-quality research that addresses relevant research questions, however, is only the first step toward social impact beyond academia. Other criteria for accounting research to extend its social impact include translating it into accessible language for non-academics and effective dissemination. In other…
4 min read

International PhD Visit Scheme – Simon Thies

Simon Thies is a PhD student at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. He recently concluded his visit at Tilburg University.   During my visit, I had many interesting conversations with inspiring and supportive researchers that significantly helped me develop my projects. The reading group and the accounting research seminars provided a great opportunity to learn about current research topics and to witness diverse perspectives on research projects. Together with several colleagues, I also attended the…
ARC Commitee
ARC Commitee
2 min read

The Impact of Transparency on Banks’ Loan Loss Provisioning: A Closer Look at Privately Held Banks

Transparency plays a pivotal role in maintaining stability and trust in the banking sector. However, in many countries, a significant fraction of banks is privately held, with few incentives for transparent disclosures and notoriously low pressure from stakeholders absent any capital market. In fact, the traditional business model of these banks relies on a certain level of proprietary knowledge and confidentiality. Privately held banks are thus worth a closer look when it comes to transparency…
ARC Commitee
ARC Commitee
3 min read

Professor Steve Zeff’s digital library

Rice University’s Jones Graduate School of Business is pleased to share Professor Steve Zeff’s digital library with the EAA community: This open digital library was created by the Jones School as a permanent repository for Steve’s contributions to our understanding of the historical evolution of financial reporting standards and regulations in the U.S. and globally. The website includes several short video clips and two of Steve’s related publications. In the first video series, Steve…
< 1 min read

New version: Introductory Guide to Using Stata in Empirical Financial Accounting Research

A new version of my Stata guide is now available and freely accessible via Github (including code and data examples). Please see or here to go directly to the pdf. The objective of this guide is to assist BSc/MSc students, PhD students, and junior researchers in using Stata for empirical archival research. Stata is a powerful program that can be used to analyze many different research questions in the fields of accounting, finance, economics,…
2 min read

One ESG metric is like squaring a circle

It appears to be extremely hard to produce  a meaningful ESG score. Standard and Poor’s recently decided that it will no longer rank companies’ environmental, social and governance risks from 1 to 5 . This decision can be understood in the light of how aggregate ESG scores are constructed as  discussed in a recent FT publication: “Companies with good ESG scores pollute as much as low-rated rivals.” This article made it clear that the current…
Jan Bouwens
Jan Bouwens
4 min read

The lease standard has changed, and firms’ transition disclosures confuse more than they clarify

In a paper recently published in the European Accounting Review, we study the text of the transition disclosures in firms’ financial statements explaining the likely effects of a new standard. For a sample of almost all affected firms, we extract the text that refers to how firms plan to transition to the new lease standard. The text runs from a couple of dozen to sometimes over 500 words per disclosure. We then quantify this text…
ARC Commitee
ARC Commitee
3 min read

How often and how much information should publicly listed firms report?

Disclosure regulation is pervasive and has been increasing in developed economies, despite regulators&#8217; difficulty determining the socially optimal level of disclosure. Showcasing this difficulty, regulators have struggled to reach a consensus on the frequency and content of interim reporting for decades. For example, the European Union (EU) introduced mandatory quarterly reports in 2004, only to abolish the mandate in 2013, returning to a semi-annual reporting frequency for firms whose securities are trading on a regulated…
ARC Commitee
ARC Commitee
3 min read