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Valencia is a traditional and modern city at the same time, located on the East coast of Spain. It is Spain’s third largest city. It has that special charm of cities that are also seaports. And the fine sand and clean water, the vastness of the sea and the closeness of the coastal mountains make the Valencian coast uniquely attractive. The Old Town has a rich and multi-cultural historic heritage. Against its ancient roots, the city is looking to the future and has experienced one of Europe’s most exciting urban development projects, including a futuristic City of Arts and Science and a cutting-edge eco-friendly ultra-modern zoological garden (Bioparc). It is a city that surprises with a river converted into an 11 km long garden, and the traces of ancient civilizations that peacefully coexist with modern bridges and buildings.

Visiting Valencia would not be complete without a taste of its Mediterranean cuisine, in which the star of local products is rice, with the genuine and acclaimed Valencian paella. During your stay in Valencia, you may also wish to enjoy sunrise (from the sea) and sunset (from the Albufera Lake) any day of the year. Always the perfect host, the city welcomes the attendees with an endless springtime, an average temperature of 19ºC, that is also the average in May, and 90% of sunny days.