Upcoming PhD courses of the Limperg Institute

Posted by DAVID VEENMAN - Oct 29, 2024

For over 20 years, the Dutch Limperg Institute has successfully organised a wide range of PhD courses in the field of accounting. These courses focus, for example, on managerial accounting, the economics of auditing, capital-markets based accounting research, or advanced financial accounting topics. The Limperg Institute also organises courses that focus more on methods, such as analytical accounting research, experimental research, Python, and archival data analysis. These courses have been taught by a wide range of internationally renowned top scholars, such as Peter Easton, Robert Knechel, Margaret Abernethy, Shivaram Rajgopal, Robert Bloomfield, Suraj Srinivasan, Eva Labro, Marleen Willekens, Dan Simunic, Christopher Ittner, Willie Choi, Dennis Campbell, and others.

While traditionally organized as a venue for PhD students and junior faculty from the Dutch universities connected to the Limperg Institute, the courses are now open to all interested participants. These intensive courses typically last around five consecutive days and are held on campus (in-person) at one of the Dutch universities. A registration fee of €500 applies to students from partner universities of the Limperg Institute, while a fee of €1000 applies to students from other universities.

Two of the courses that are coming up soon and open for registration are:

  • Analytics in Accounting with Prof. Christian Hofmann; September 11-15, 2023 (5 days); venue: University of Amsterdam.
  • Archival Data Analysis with Prof. David Veenman; October 18-24, 2023 (5 days); venue: University of Amsterdam.

Please keep an eye on https://limperginstituut.nl/courses-2023/ for other upcoming Limperg courses, course outlines, and registration forms. Registrations can be emailed to Hetty Rutten (h.rutten@tilburguniversity.edu). For more information about the history of the Limperg Institute and for information about the partner universities, see https://limperginstituut.nl/about-li/.