Call for nominations – Education Committee members

Education is at the centre of the European Accounting Association (EAA) membership base, playing a strategic role in our organisation’s activities. The newly formed Education Committee positions itself as thought leaders in the field, developing innovative accounting education as well as facilitating cutting-edge practices in pedagogy, technology and contents. The Education Committee will disseminate such practices among the EAA members and the accounting community at large.

The EAA is soliciting new candidates for the EAA Education Committee. We are looking for colleagues with a proven track record in educational innovation who want to serve for a 3 year-period.

In keeping with the EAA’s Governance Guidelines, this call for applications is the first stage in the selection process. New Education committee members will be approved by the EAA Management Committee. If you or one of your colleagues (potentially a teaching focused faculty member) have an interest, please send a motivation letter and current CV to Anastasia Kopita ( before January 15, 2023.

On behalf of the EAA Education Committee

Anastasia Kopita