Stakeholder Reporting Committee

Stakeholder Reporting Committee Members

The SRC (formerly known as CRC, members remain unchanged) is made up of a group of academics of recognised prestige who have been actively involved in EAA activities. All have an extensive experience in research in non-financial reporting, among other areas, and the most important thing they are very interested in addressing the new challenge of the EAA:

Chair Begoña GINER University of Valencia
Members Elizabeth DEMERS University of Waterloo
Charles CHO Schulich School of Business, York University
Laura GIRELLA University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Mukesh GARG Monash University
Joana KRASODOMSKA Cracow University of Economics
Gunnar RIMMEL Aalborg Business School
Frank SCHIEMANN Bamberg University
Amama SHAUKAT Brunel University London
Gaia MELLONI HEC Lausanne

The Stakeholder Reporting Committee (SRC) is a committee of the European Accounting Association (EAA) that actively engages in discussions and debates about how organizations should communicate their activities and their societal and environmental impact to a wide range of stakeholders. The committee recognizes the growing significance of sustainability-related information for society and the environment. Consequently, in addition to raising awareness of policy issues among its membership, the SRC strives to foster collaboration with standard setters and policymakers, leveraging the research expertise of the academic community to influence emerging policies and standards. By bridging the gap between academia and practice, the SRC aims to contribute to the development of reporting frameworks that align with the evolving needs of all stakeholders and promote sustainable business practices.

Anyone interested in volunteering for work with the SRC or wanting information about it is invited to contact the chair, Begoña Giner (