Call for nominations – Publication Committee Chair

The EAA is seeking a replacement for Professor Steve Young, Chair of the Publication Committee,  whose membership term is due to end shortly after the EAA 2023 Congress. Professor Young’s replacement will be appointed on a three-year term beginning immediately after the EAA Annual Congress 2023 (with the possibility to renew for a second three-year term).

The main responsibilities of the EAA Publications Committee include advising on the appointment of editors and editorial teams to European Accounting Review and Accounting in Europe, advising on appointments to the Publications Committee, managing the appointment of EAA Newsletter editors, and overseeing the EAA’s broader publications strategy. Further details of EAA Publications Committee membership and its role are available here. The workload for Publications Committee members is not onerous. The main activities comprise one meeting per year at the time of the EAA congress, reporting to the EAA Management Committee, and organising ad hoc meetings and panel interviews where necessary. The majority of business is conducted by email and video calls.

The PC chair:

  • Is a reputable scholar with a good understanding of, and experience in, academic editing – preferably as (associate) editors (not necessarily with EAA journals);
  • Has some experience in dealing with publishers;
  • Is willing and able to take a broad view of research methods and topics; and
  • Has a deep understanding of the EAA context and is capable of working in this context, ideally documented by a track record of active EAA membership

In keeping with the EAA’s Governance Guidelines, this call for applications is the first stage in the selection process. Please send your application via email to Baha Diyarov ( by 15 January 2023. The EAA is a diverse community of accounting scholars and we are keen that this diversity is reflected in Publications Committee membership. We are particularly keen to receive applications from women, minorities, and scholars with personal and scholarly profiles which can further increase the diversity of the Publications Committee.

Applications should include:

  • a current curriculum vitae that includes a successful record of publication in peer-reviewed journals
  • a brief memo summarizing your research agenda and describing your relevant qualifications to the extent that they are not apparent from the CV (no more than 150 words).

Following a review of the applications, the Publications Committee will make a recommendation to the EAA Management Committee which is the body responsible for confirming appointments. Please do not hesitate to direct any questions you have on the role to Professor Steven Young (