Call for nominations 2025-2028

IMPORTANT: All candidates applying for the vacancies mentioned below MUST be EAA members.

Management Committee

The EAA is inviting you to express your interest and/or to nominate candidates for two upcoming vacancies in the EAA Management Committee.

The Management Committee (MC) members take up their duties at the end of the General Assembly meeting of the EAA Annual Congress and serve for a term of three years, renewable once only.

The following current members of the Management Committee are ending their second term after the EAA Annual Congress 2025:

1.    Tami DINH (Chair of ARC)×, University of St Gallen, Switzerland
2.    Ariela CAGLIO, Bocconi University, Italy

As an EAA member, you are entitled to nominate new MC members (a maximum of two candidates can be nominated).

According to the EAA Corporate Governance Guidelines (, MC members should have a proven track record of commitment and service to the EAA, as well as have an impeccable academic reputation.

A shortlist of nominees will be made by the EAA President and discussed by the Management Committee. A final list of selected candidates will be proposed to the Board for election.

In order to be valid, your expression of interest/nomination(s) has to be returned by 15th January 2025 midnight GMT. Double nominations will not be taken into consideration. Please note that the process is anonymous.

Many thanks in advance for supporting the EAA. We are looking forward to receiving your nominations. Please send your nomination(s) via this link by 15 January 2025.

Publications Committee

The EAA is seeking a replacement for Professor Holger Daske whose second non-renewable membership term on the EAA Publications Committee is due to end shortly after the EAA 2025 Congress. Professor Daske’s replacement will be appointed on a three-year term beginning immediately after the EAA Annual Congress 2025 (with the possibility to renew for a second three-year term).

The main responsibilities of the EAA Publications Committee include advising on the appointment editors and editorial teams to European Accounting Review and Accounting in Europe, as well as overseeing the EAA’s broader publications strategy. Further details of EAA Publications Committee membership and its role are available here. The workload for Publications Committee members is not onerous. The main activities comprise one meeting per year at the time of the EAA congress, plus ad hoc meetings and panel interviews where necessary. The majority of business is conducted by email.

In keeping with the EAA’s Governance Guidelines, this call for applications is the first stage in the selection process. Please send your application via email to Baha Diyarov ( by 15 January 2025. The EAA is a diverse community of accounting scholars and we are keen that this diversity is reflected in Publications Committee membership. We are particularly keen to receive applications from women, minorities, and scholars with personal and scholarly profiles which can further increase the diversity of the Publications Committee.

Applications should include:

  • a current curriculum vitae that includes a successful record of publication in peer-reviewed journals
  • a brief memo summarizing your research agenda and describing your relevant qualifications to the extent that they are not apparent from the CV (no more than 150 words).

Following a review of the applications, the Publications Committee will make a recommendation to the EAA Management Committee which is the body responsible for confirming appointments. Please do not hesitate to direct any questions you have on the role to Professor Paul Andre  (

Financial Reporting Standards Committee

The EAA Financial Reporting Standards Committee (FRSC) has a longstanding tradition of working to bring contributions of academic research to the financial reporting standard-setting process. This includes a responsibility for the FRSC to liaise with the IASB and EFRAG on behalf of the EAA to promote the use of academic research and to ensure that the voice of the European academic community is heard. The FRSC is a facilitating committee that identifies tasks to be undertaken and coordinates volunteers from the research community to address them.

The outgoing members of the committee are Ana Marques and Annelies Renders, who have served two consecutive terms. The future members of FRSC should exhibit:

  • High motivation and qualification in conducting and communicating academic research that is relevant to financial reporting standard-setting and regulation;
  • A wide, international as well as European network, not limited to the academic community;
  • The ability to work in a timely and constructive manner with the members of the FRSC and other EAA committees, and to liaise with the relevant institutions in the regulatory landscape, such as IASB, EFRAG, etc.

This call for nominations is the first stage in the selection process. At this stage, both self-nominations and nominations of others by current EAA members are welcome. Please send your nominations via email to Baha Diyarov ( by 15 January 2025. Nominations should include a current curriculum vitae and a brief memo describing relevant qualifications. All submitted applications will be reviewed by the EAA Management Committee. Eligible candidates will have the opportunity of laying out their plans for the FRSC mandate, which will be considered by the Management Committee in the selection process. The selected candidate will be informed in due time after the EAA Management Committee reaches a decision and will assume the role of members with an appointment term of three years, renewable once.

Should you have specific questions what this position entails, please contact the former FRSC Chair, Ann Jorissen, at

Stakeholder Reporting Committee

After five years of its establishment, the Stakeholder Reporting Committee (SRC) is looking for candidates to cover vacancies and organise the necessary turnover in some of the current members and chair.

The mission of the committee is to actively participate in the debate about how organisations can, and should, inform their wide range of stakeholders about their activities, including their impact on society and planet. It focuses on the non-financial or sustainability reporting. Further, given that non-financial information is increasingly attracting the interest of policy makers and standard setters, our committee also aims to create awareness of the policy issues amongst our membership, and to collaborate with policy makers and standard setters with a view to allowing the academic community’s research expertise to have an impact on emerging policies and standards.

In line with the EAA governance guidelines (, the Chair and the Members are appointed for a 3-year term, renewable once.

The composition of the Committee should reflect – as far as possible – the diversity of the EAA community, for example in terms of (but not limited to) gender, age, and geographical affiliation. The committee should also reflect a diverse range of research perspectives.

Prior expertise in terms of research and policy commitments related to sustainability reporting is welcome. A suitable candidate is also expected to work collegially within the SRC and with other EAA Committees. All members of the Committee should be current EAA members.

Please submit your application via email to Baha Diyarov ( including: (1) your updated CV (2) a motivation letter indicating why you are applying for the position and containing a brief explanation of why you consider yourself to be qualified for the position.

The deadline to submit your application is 15 January 2025. In keeping with the EAA’s Governance Guidelines, this call for applications is the first stage in the selection process. Following a review of the applications, the EAA Management Committee will, in collaboration with the Chair, select and appoint the new chair and members of the Committee.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to the SRC Chair Begoña Giner at

Standing Scientific Committee

The European Accounting Association’s Standing Scientific Committee (SSC) advises on the scientific programme of the EAA Annual Congress, reviewing the submitted papers and setting up the parallel sessions. Each member of the SSC is responsible for a specific category of Accounting research (for the categories, see and will contribute to identify the reviewers to be invited as part of the Scientific Committee; assign the papers submitted to EAA to relevant reviewers; make the final decisions on inclusion in the programme; and define the parallel sessions of the EAA congress.

The EAA is inviting new candidates for the role of chair of the SSC, responsible for overseeing the whole review process. The current chair, Ileana Steccolini has served two terms in her role and will be stepping down shortly after the EAA Annual Congress 2025.

The EAA is inviting new candidates for the role of AU, AM, HI, IC, PSNP, FR and MA/IS members of the SSC, responsible for the papers in Auditing, Financial Reporting, Accounting History, Interpretive/Critical, Accounting and Information Systems, Management Accounting, Public Sector Accounting & Not-For-Profit Accounting and Analytical Modelling. The new members will serve for a 3-year period (2025-2028) shortly after the EAA Annual Congress 2025 (with the possibility to renew for a second three-year term).

Applications should include:

  • a current curriculum vitae and
  • a brief motivation statement (no more than 300 words).

The appointment will follow the EAA’s Governance Guidelines. Following the review of the applications, the SSC will make a recommendation to the EAA Management Committee, which will appoint the new SSC chair and members.

If you or one of your colleagues have an interest, please send a motivation letter and current CV to Baha Diyarov before 15 January 2025. Please indicate if it is for the Chair or member position.

Doctoral Colloquium

Launched in 1985, the EAA Doctoral Colloquium (DC) has established itself as a core element in the doctoral training of aspiring accounting scholars in Europe. It seeks to provide a platform for promising doctoral students from diverse fields in accounting research and different backgrounds to interact in a unique environment, connecting both with their future colleagues and with leading faculty across a variety of intellectual traditions.

The main objectives of the DC are: (a) to promote European PhD education in accounting; (b) to provide students who are particularly promising with feedback on their work in progress and to support them in producing a PhD dissertation of high quality; (c) to allow such students to learn from, and network with, each other as well as the DC faculty; and (d) to promote the breadth of European accounting research in terms of topics and methodologies.

According to the DC governance guidelines, the DC is chaired by three co-chairs. The DC co-chairs are members of the DC faculty and are responsible for selecting students and other DC faculty members. The co-chairs are appointed by the Management Committee following an open Call for Nominations, and will normally serve for a three-year term (2025-2028), once renewable. Each co-chair is a recognized accounting scholar who is committed to academic excellence as well as to diversity in accounting research.

Together, the co-chairs represent – in terms of their expertise and research focus – the breadth of accounting research, namely (a) both external (corporate reporting, governance, audit, tax) and internal (management accounting, information systems) perspectives on accounting, as well as (b) both quantitative (e.g., archival, survey, experiment, analytical) and qualitative (e.g., case study, ethnography, oral history) methodological approaches to accounting.

With this Call, the EAA seeks nominations and self-nominations for one co-chair of the EAA Doctoral Colloquium by 15 January 2025. The outgoing DC co-chair is Joachim Gassen, Humboldt University Berlin.

Ideally, candidates work primarily in either of the following areas: corporate reporting and analysis, governance and auditing, and taxation.

In keeping with the EAA’s Governance Guidelines, this call for nominations and self-nominations is the first stage in the selection process. Please make your nominations or self-nomination by providing (1) the names of the persons you are nominating (up to two), and (2) a brief explanation of why you consider the persons qualified. In case you are nominating yourself, please provide a current CV and a letter outlining your motivation and qualifications. Please send your application to Following a review of the nominations, the EAA Management Committee will appoint the new co-chair of the Doctoral Colloquium.

Accounting Resources Centre

The EAA Accounting Resources Centre (ARC) is the one-stop place for research and teaching resources, career development guidance, and networking opportunities. The ARC’s goal is to stimulate research productivity, inspire educators, expand the accounting community, enhance the exchange of ideas, and improve high-quality team collaboration.

The EAA is looking for a new members for the “Events” team who will be in charge of the different EAA events (e.g. call for papers, sister associations’ events, etc.). The outgoing members are Arianna Piscella, Maria Lotze and Aljosa Valentincic.

Specific qualifications are:

  • Very good communications skills
  • Having been an EAA member for at least two years
  • A demonstrable interest and high level of knowledge in using social media including, being active on platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram
  • Familiarity or high interest with blog postings and content scheduling
  • Ability to work in a timely and constructive manner with the ARC team and other EAA Committees on social media matters

In keeping with the EAA’s Governance Guidelines, this call for applications is the first stage in the selection process. Please send your application via email to Baha Diyarov ( by 15 January 2025.

Applications should include:

  • a current curriculum vitae and
  • a brief memo describing your relevant qualifications to the extent that they are not apparent from the CV (no more than 150 words).

Following a review of the applications, eligible applicants will be invited for an interview. Finally, the ARC Committee will make a recommendation to the EAA Management Committee, which will appoint the new EAA Social Media Manager.

For more information, please contact the Chair of the EAA ARC Committee, Tami Dinh (

Virtual Activities Committee

The EAA is inviting new candidates for its Virtual Activities Committee (VAC). The outgoing members are Yasemin Karaibrahimoglu, Irma Malafronte and Marco Trombetta, whose terms end right after the EAA Annual Congress 2025 in Rome.

The Virtual Activities Committee (VAC) is responsible for:

  • planning, scheduling, organising and coordinating EAA virtual research events throughout the year;
  • liaising with other EAA committees for education events, doctoral workshops, regulatory and practitioner events to facilitate, advise and support these other committees to conceptualise, organise, conduct virtual (live) events;
  • conceive and develop a long-term strategy on EAA virtual activities.

We are looking for colleagues (at all levels of seniority) with diverse backgrounds in terms of research areas and methods. Both members will have good working knowledge of, and familiarity with, video conferencing and digital tools. Ideally, candidates will have experience in organising (virtual or in person) conferences, workshops and research events. good communication skills and the ability to generate innovative ideas are a must.

If you would like to participate in the organisation of EAA virtual events and engage with the wider academic community, then the VAC is the right place for you.

VAC members will be approved by the EAA Management Committee.  If you or one of your colleagues have an interest in these positions, please send a motivation letter and current CV to Giovanna Michelon ( and Baha Diyarov ( 15 January 2025. 

Education Committee

Education is at the center of the European Accounting Association (EAA) membership base, playing a strategic role in our organization’s activities. The EAA Education Committee positions itself as thought leaders in the field, developing innovative accounting education as well as facilitating cutting-edge practices in pedagogy, technology and contents. The Education Committee disseminates such practices among the EAA members and the accounting community at large.

The EAA is soliciting new candidates for the EAA Education Committee. We are looking for two colleagues with a proven track record in educational innovation who want to serve for a 3 year-period (2025-2028).

In keeping with the EAA’s Governance Guidelines, this call for applications is the first stage in the selection process. New Education committee members will be approved by the EAA Management Committee.

If you or one of your colleagues have an interest, please send a motivation letter containing a brief explanation of why you consider yourself to be qualified for the position (no more than 300 words) and current CV to Anastasia Kopita ( and Baha Diyarov ( before January 15, 2025.