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Symposia Programme Detail

Symposia Programme


WEDNESDAY 11 May 2016

15.00-16.30 – SYMPOSIUM 1 – Auditorium 1

FEE – The Future of Corporate Reporting


Mark Vaessen, Chairman of FEE Corporate Reporting Policy Group and global IFRS Leader at KPMG  


Anthony Appleton, Director of Accounting and Reporting, Financial Reporting Council (FRC), UK (presentation)
Joachim Gassen, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany (presentation)
David Shammai, Governance Specialist, APG Asset Management, The Netherlands (presentation)
Hugh Shields, Executive Technical Director, International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) (presentation)

This symposium is sponsored by the Federation of European Accountants (FEE).

17.00-18.30 – SYMPOSIUM 2 – Auditorium 1

LIMPERG – Doctoral Education around the Globe


Tom Groot, VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and Chair of the Limperg Institute (presentation)


Mary Barth, Stanford University, USA (presentation
John Christensen, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark (presentation)
Thorsten Sellhorn, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany (presentation)
Ken Trotman, The University of New South Wales, Australia (presentation)

This symposium is sponsored by the Limperg Institute.

THURSDAY 12 May 2016

09.00-10.30 – SYMPOSIUM 3 – Auditorium 1

Big Data Analysis in Accounting & Auditing


Peter Verkoulen, CEO Brightlands Smart Services Campus and Professor Integrated Information Systems & Business Interaction Design, Maastricht University, The Netherlands (presentation)


Wil van der Aalst, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands (presentation)
Peter Eimers, Member IAASB Data Analytics Working Group, Auditing Professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Chairman Dutch Ethics & Assurance Standards Board at Royal NBA, and Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), The Netherlands (presentation)
Eva Labro, University of North Carolina, USA (presentation)
Narayanen Vaidyanathan, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), UK (presentation)

09.00-10.30 – SYMPOSIUM 4 – Auditorium 2

ACCOUNTING IN EUROPE AND EAA FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS COMMITTEE (FRSC) – Does the Accounting for Goodwill and Other Intangibles Really Matter?


Paul André, HEC Lausanne & Editor Accounting in Europe (presentation)


Philippe Danjou, member International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) (presentation)
Niclas Hellman, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden, and Chairman of the FRSC of the EAA  (presentation)
Filippo Poli, Research Director European Financial Reporting Advisory Board (EFRAG)  (presentation)
Alain Schatt, HEC Lausanne, Switzerland  (presentation)

11.00-12.30 – SYMPOSIUM 5 – Auditorium 2

ICAS – What is Performance?


Stefano Zambon, University of Ferrara, Italy, and member of the ICAS Research Committee  

Panellists (presentations):

Richard Barker, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, UK  
Hilary Eastman, Director, Head of Global Investor Engagement, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), and member of the ICAS Research Committee  
Peter Malmqvist, Chairman, The Swedish Society of Financial Analysts, Sweden  
Deepa Raval, Project Director, Accounting and Reporting Policy Team, Financial Reporting Council (FRC), UK  
Hugh Shields, Executive Technical Director, International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)

This symposium is sponsored by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS).

11.00-12.30 – SYMPOSIUM 6 – Auditorium 1

Audit Analytics – New EU Audit Requirements: Lessons from early adoptions and research opportunities for the future


Marleen Willekens, KU Leuven, Belgium and BI Norwegian Business School,Norway  


Jean Bédard, Univerité Laval, Canada  (presentation)
Mark Cheffers, CEO Audit Analytics, USA  (presentation)
Tim Copnell, Associate Partner KPMG UK and Chairman of KPMG's UK Audit Committee Institute, UK  
Peter Eimers, Member IAASB Data Analytics Working Group, Auditing Professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Chairman Dutch Ethics & Assurance Standards Board at Royal NBA, and Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), The Netherlands  (presentation)
Arnold Schilder, chairman of the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB)  (presentation)

This symposium is sponsored by Audit Analytics.

14.00-15.30 – SYMPOSIUM 7 – Auditorium 1

ICAEW – How Does Financial Reporting Contribute to Economic Growth and Development?


Robert Hodgkinson, Executive Director, Technical, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, UK  


Mary Barth, Stanford University, USA  
Alfred Borgonovo, Senior Financial Management Specialist, World Bank  
Kees Camfferman, VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands  
Martin Hoogendoorn, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands 

This symposium is sponsored by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).

14.00-15.30 – SYMPOSIUM 8 – Auditorium 2

EAR – Special Issue: New Directions in Earnings Management and Financial Statement Fraud Research

Chairs (presentation):

Ignace de Beelde, Ghent University, Belgium
Messod Beneish, Indiana University, USA  


Lawrence Gordon, University of Maryland, USA  
Maria Krambia-Kapardis, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus 
Cédric Lesage, HEC Paris, France 

16.00-17.30 – SYMPOSIUM 9 – Auditorium 2

Conduct and Culture


Alain Schatt, HEC Lausanne, Switzerland  (presentation)


Jan Bouwens, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands  (presentation)
Arjan Brouwer, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and member of the taskforce on the future of the accounting profession in the Netherlands  (presentation)
Jo Iwasaki, Head Corporate Governance, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), UK  (presentation)
Karla Johnstone, University of Wisconsin – Madison, USA  (presentation)

16.00-17.30 – SYMPOSIUM 10 – Auditorium 1

DSM – Innovation and Control: How to Make Innovation Work?


Frank Moers, Maastricht University, The Netherlands  (presentation)


Alexander Brüggen, Maastricht University, The Netherlands  (presentation)
Antonio Davila, IESE Business School, Spain  (presentation)
Philip Vergauwen, Dean of the School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University, The Netherlands  
Hans Vossen, Vice President Finance of DSM Innovation Center, DSM, The Netherlands  (presentation)

This symposium is sponsored by DSM.

FRIDAY 13 May 2016

9.00-10.30 – SYMPOSIUM 11 – Auditorium 1

Editor’s Panel: Research Integrity and Research Ethics


Peter Pope, London School of Economics, UK, Joint-Editor of Journal of Business Finance and Accounting  (presentation)


Mark DeFond, University of Southern California, USA, Editor of The Accounting Review  
Juan Manuel García Lara, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, Joint Editor of Accounting and Business Research  
Patricia O’Brien, University of Waterloo, Canada, Editor of Contemporary Accounting Research 
Keith Robson, HEC Paris, France, Editor of Accounting Organizations and Society 
Hervé Stolowy, HEC Paris, France, Editor of European Accounting Review  

Note: There will be opportunities for audience input and participation. Please bring a web-enabled device. Free wifi connection is available throughout the venue.

11.00-12.30 – SYMPOSIUM 12 – Auditorium 1

IMA – Partnering between Research and Professional Education Institutions


Klaus Möller, Director of the Institute of Accounting, Control and Auditing, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland  (presentation)


Tom Groot, VU Amsterdam, The Nethelands  (presentation)
Raef Lawson, Vice President Research & Policy, Professor in Residence, Institute of Management Accountants (IMA)  (presentation)
Hélène Löning, HEC School of Management, Paris, France  (presentation)
Paolo Perego, RSM Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands  (presentation)

This symposium is sponsored by IMA.

14.00-15.30 – SYMPOSIUM 13 – Auditorium 1

Perspectives on Integrated Reporting


Brendan O'Dwyer, University of Amsterdam Business School, The Netherlands  (presentation)


Rients Abma, Executive Director, Eumedion, The Netherlands  
Simon Braaksma, Senior Director, Group Sustainability, Philips Electronics, The Netherlands  (presentation)
Michael Nugent, Technical Director, International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)  (presentation)
Roger Simnett, The University of New South Wales Business School, Australia (presentation)