Copy of Board May 2020 before elections


President Thorsten SELLHORN Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Past President Philip JOOS Tilburg University
Treasurer Anne JENY ESSEC Business School
Congress Chair 2020 Catalin ALBU Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Deputy Congress Chair 2020 Liliana FELEAGÃ Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Secretary General 2020 Elena NECHITA Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Treasurer Congress 2020 Nadia ALBU Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Congress Chair 2021 Seppo IKÄHEIMO Aalto University

National Representatives

Austria Ralf EWERT Karl-Franzens University Graz
Belgium Ignace DE BEELDE University of Ghent
Czech Republic David PROCHAZKA Prague University of Economics
Denmark Claus HOLM Aarhus University
Finland Marko JARVENPÄÄ University of Jyväskylä
Estonia Lehte ALVER Tallinn University of Technology
France Chrystelle RICHARD ESSEC Business School
Germany Jürgen ERNSTBERGER Technical University Munich
Greece Apostolos BALLAS Athens University of Economics & Business
Ireland Collette KIRWAN Waterford Institute of Technology
Italy Stefano AZZALI University of Parma
Netherlands Paula VAN VEEN-DIRKS University of Groningen
Norway Trond BJØRNENAK NHH – Norwegian School of Economics
Poland Jan MICHALAK University of Łódź
Portugal João Pedro OLIVEIRA University of Porto
Romania Catalin ALBU Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Russia Anna VYSOTSKAYA Southern Federal University
Slovenia Barbara MÖREC University of Ljubljana
Spain Beatriz GARCIA OSMA Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Sweden Jan MARTON University of Gothenburg
Switzerland Tami DINH University of St Gallen
Turkey Recep PEKDEMIR University of Istanbul
United Kingdom Mark A. CLATWORTHY University of Bristol
Asia Norio SAWABE  Keio University
Australia / New Zealand Sue WRIGHT  The University of Newcastle
North America Linda MYERS  University of Tennessee at Knoxville
Central & South America Jose Elias ALMEIDA  Federal University of Espirito Santo

Chairs of EAA Committees & Editors of EAA Journals

Chair Publications Committee Kees CAMFFERMAN  VU University Amsterdam
Chair Conference Committee Matias LAINE  University of Tampere
Chair Standing Scientific Committee Ileana STECCOLINI  University of Essex
Accounting Standards Committee Richard BARKER  Oxford University – Said Business School
Doctoral Colloquium Co-Chairs Joachim GASSEN  Humboldt University Berlin
Wim VAN DER STEDE  London School of Economics and Political Science
European Accounting Review (EAR) Editor Beatriz GARCIA OSMA  Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Accounting in Europe (AinE) Editor

Araceli MORA

 University of Valencia

Ex Officio

Executive Secretary Baha DIYAROV  EIASM 
 (European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management)