Dear EAA Member,The EAA is inviting you to express your interest and/or to nominate candidates for two upcoming vacancies in the EAA Management Committee.
The Management Committee (MC) members take up their duties at the end of the General Assembly meeting of the EAA Annual Congress and serve for a term of three years, renewable once only. The following current members of the Management Committee are ending their first term after the EAA Annual Congress 2023: 1. Christof BEUSELINCK, IESEG School of Management Both members expressed their availability to continue for their second three-year term and can be re-elected. As an EAA member, you are entitled to either renew any of the two members above, or to nominate new MC members (a maximum of two candidates can be renewed/nominated). According to the EAA Corporate Governance Guidelines (, MC members should have a proven track record of commitment and service to the EAA, as well as have an impeccable academic reputation. A shortlist of nominees will be made by the EAA President and discussed by the Management Committee. A final list of selected candidates will be proposed to the Board for election. In order to be valid, your expression of interest/nomination(s) has to be returned by 15th January 2023 midnight GMT. Double nominations will not be taken into consideration. Please note that the process is anonymous. Many thanks in advance for supporting the EAA. We are looking forward to receiving your nominations. Best regards, Baha Diyarov EAA Executive Secretary |