ROME, ITALY, MAY 24-27, 2025 |
Professor Joachim GASSEN
Humboldt University Berlin (Germany)
Professor Andrea MENNICKEN
LSE – London School of Economics and Political Science (U.K.)
Professor Alexandra VAN DEN ABBEELE
KU Leuven (Belgium)
Markus ARNOLD University of Bern (Switzerland)
Joachim GASSEN Humboldt University Berlin (Germany)
Andrea MENNICKEN LSE – London School of Economics and Political Science (U.K.)
Brendan O’DWYER University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) & University of Manchester (U.K.)
Cathy SHAKESPEARE University of Michigan (U.S.A.)
Alexandra VAN DEN ABBEELE KU Leuven (Belgium)
David VEENMAN University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
°Other faculty members will be announced after student selection.
The 41 st EAA Doctoral Colloquium will take place at the Luiss Campus, Viale Romania, 32, 00197 Roma RM on 24-27 May 2025 immediately prior to the EAA Annual Congress.
We invite applications for the 41st EAA Doctoral Colloquium, which will be held in Rome, Italy, 24-27 May, immediately before the Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association. The EAA Doctoral Colloquium is organised in conjunction with the EAA Annual Congress.
The event starts on the evening of Saturday 24 May and ends on Tuesday 27 May mid-afternoon. All participating students are required to attend the EAA Congress, which starts on 28 May 2025.
The aim of the Doctoral Colloquium is to provide an opportunity for European doctoral students in accounting to present and discuss their research with a distinguished international faculty, supplemented with a menu of plenary sessions and group activities on a range of issues relevant for PhD students, such as the journal submission and review process; the job market and early career; reviewing and presenting; and other research and career-related topics. There also are social events to provide an opportunity for students to interact informally with each other and the faculty.
Students selected to participate in the Doctoral Colloquium are offered hotel accommodation for the duration of the colloquium (Saturday, Sunday and Monday evenings). They also do not have to pay the registration fee for the EAA Annual Congress held immediately after the Colloquium on 24-27 May 2025. However, students must cover their own travel costs as well as accommodation expenses for the EAA Annual Congress.
Submission deadline: 30 November 2024
Applications must be completed online and contain a CV, an extended 3-page abstract of the doctoral research currently being undertaken, and a questionnaire completed by the main thesis advisor. Your advisor must use the template provided – download template.
In your CV you must answer two questions:
– Which field description characterises your doctoral research best? [single choice]
• Corporate reporting and analysis, governance and auditing, and taxation
• Management accounting and information systems
• Social, critical, organisational, and historical perspectives on accounting
– Which methods do you use in your doctoral research? [multiple choice]
• Analytical
• Empirical Archival
• Experimental (Lab or Field)
• Interviews and other qualitative methods
• Questionnaire/Survey
Start your CV by answering those two questions and put this information upfront.
Students accepted for the Doctoral Colloquium will be required to prepare a full paper for presentation at the colloquium following the typical format of research papers in accounting (or their sub-areas where conventions vary). PhD students who have progressed at least beyond their second year are the most likely to benefit from the colloquium. Accordingly, we encourage particularly later-stage doctoral students (who already have at least one working paper rather than merely a research proposal) to apply.
The organising Institutions—the European Accounting Association (EAA) and the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM)—attach considerable importance to the Doctoral Colloquium. The EAA Doctoral Colloquium has established itself as a core element in the doctoral training of aspiring accounting scholars in Europe. It seeks to provide a platform for promising doctoral students from diverse fields in accounting research and different backgrounds to interact in a unique environment, connecting both with their future colleagues and with leading faculty across a variety of intellectual traditions.
Please CLICK HERE to download the programme
Please CLICK HERE to download the list of participants
Students will present their work to faculty members and other students in (typically five) different parallel tracks, which are organized roughly around the following main research fields:
• Corporate reporting and analysis, governance and auditing, and taxation
• Management accounting and information systems
• Social, critical, organisational, and historical perspectives on accounting
The final track structure will be made in light of the composition of the students accepted.
Ms. Marion Hebbelynck
EAA c/o EIASM – Rue Fossé aux Loups 38 – 1000 Brussels – Belgium
Email : marion.hebbelynck@eiasm.be