Dear EAA member,
We are launching this survey as a first step of a broader project aiming at enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion within the European Accounting Association’s (EAA) community and processes. For a definition of the terms Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, please click here. The results from the survey will be used to assess the current diversity, equity, and inclusion climate and awareness and to inform future decisions about supporting a diverse, equal, and inclusive community.
The survey only takes about 10 minutes to complete. Your participation is voluntary. You can skip any question if you prefer not to answer, and you may exit the survey at any time.
All answers you provide will remain completely confidential. Your email address will not be associated with the data and the demographic information will be limited to the responses provided in the survey. All the information will be disclosed in an aggregate way. The data will be destroyed once the project has been completed.
Your participation will be much appreciated and will help us enhance DEI.
Please complete the survey by 31 July at the latest.