Call For Papers
European Accounting Review Annual Conference
23-24 March 2023
We are happy to announce that the European Accounting Review Annual Conference will be held at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Madrid, Spain). The Conference is organized by EAR with hosting and support by the INDEM institute at UC3M.
We invite submissions of original papers addressing research questions in all areas of accounting research. European Accounting Review emphasizes openness and flexibility, not only regarding the substantive issues of accounting research, but also with respect to paradigms, methodologies, and styles of conducting that research. EAR is global in scope and welcomes submissions relating to any country or region that clearly communicate relevance to an international audience.
In addition, EAR features a (i) ‘Young Scholar Track,’ for submissions by non-tenured faculty, and Ph.D. students, where job market papers are particularly well received; an (ii) ‘Open Science,’ for shorter papers that discuss important problems in research methods and design across all methods (field, experimental, archival) and paradigms, where authors are encouraged to share unique datasets or code. EAR also features a (iii) ‘Registered Reports’ track that is continuously open, where we encourage authors to register their experiments or field studies.
Submissions that fit either the ‘Young Scholar,’ the ‘Open Science,’ or the ‘Registered Reports’ tracks are encouraged and will receive special consideration by the editorial team.
Original contributions should be submitted at
Submissions are treated as submissions to EAR, and should not be under review at any other journal. All papers will be refereed and decisions should be conveyed to authors by the middle of June 2022. Subject to satisfactory revision, accepted conference papers will be published in the conference issue of EAR in 2023.
Conference attendance is by invitation. EAA members interested in attending should request an invitation at The Conference will start in the morning of 23 March 2023. Hotel accommodation will be provided for one author of each selected conference paper. Conference participants are responsible for making their own travel arrangements. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Puerta de Toledo Campus: