‘Accounting, Relief and Rehabilitation During the Second World War and its Aftermath’
The ongoing refugee crisis caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine has been identified as the worst in Europe since the Second World War. In this seminar Steve Walker will discuss the preliminary results of an archival investigation into the accounting issues arising from the attempt to relieve and rehabilitate tens of millions of people displaced by military conflict during the 1940s. During the Second World War, for the first time, the relief effort centred on a global intergovernmental organisation: the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA). From its headquarters in Washington DC this organisation attempted to implement an accounting system designed to amass financial information from sources ranging from displaced persons and refugee camps to national governments. At best, the accounting system was considered problematic. At worst, it was deemed a failure. The seminar will offer insights to the problems confronting international relief agencies in their efforts to implement accounting systems against the backdrop of global conflict and post-war dislocation.