Financial Reporting Standards Committee

Financial Reporting Standards Committee Members

Chair Ann JORISSEN  (2020-2026) University of Antwerp 
Members Ana MARQUES  (2019-2025) Norwich Business School at University of East Anglia
Annelies RENDERS  (2019-2025) BI Norwegian Business School
Yannis TSALAVOUTAS (2024-2027) Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow
Christof PELGER (2022-2025) University of Passau
 Ex-officio Thorsten SELLHORN (2023-2026) Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Representative of the EAA at the IFRS Advisory Board

The purpose of the FRSC is to bring contributions of academic research to the standard-setting process related to Financial Reporting. This includes a responsibility for the FRSC to liaison with the IASB and EFRAG on behalf of the EAA to promote the use of academic research and to ensure that the voice of the European academic community is heard.

The FRSC is a facilitating committee that identifies tasks to be undertaken and coordinates volunteers from the research community to address them. Those volunteers become members of the Financial Reporting Research Group (FRRG) and participate in specific projects.

Anyone interested in volunteering for work with the FRSC or wanting information about it is invited to contact the chairperson, Ann Jorissen