PhD Mentoring Intitiative

The EAA PhD Mentoring Initiative (PMI) aims to help European PhD students refine their research proposals and enhance the overall quality of their work by accessing timely advice and feedback from some of Europe’s top accounting researchers. The PMI is a resource open to all European PhD students in accounting.

Areas of focus Volunteering opportunites Contact information
  • providing timely and constructive feedback to PhD students across the EAA;
  • quality early feedback on proposals should help develop stronger PhD theses;
  • familiarizing students with submission procedures

The PMI success depends entirely on its college of experts. Experts are academics with a successful publication record, experience in supervising PhD students, and broad view of the field, who may provide constructive and timely feedback. The college thrives on diversity, and thus, EAA members are welcome to volunteer both as expert reviewers (indicating their areas of expertise), and as editors (indicating the area that is not currently covered by the existing team of editors).  

Contact  Martin Walker ( , or Steven Young (, Senior Editors, for more information