Doctoral Colloquium

Although only available to a limited number of participants each year, the EAA Doctoral Colloquium, organised in collaboration with the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM), provides an important opportunity for doctoral students to present their work-in-progress to a distinguished academic panel, and to receive helpful feedback. The international panel consists of highly experienced researchers who are able to offer important advice on subject, methodology and approach.

The EAA Doctoral Colloquium is a special opportunity for young researchers to meet a wider group of experts and compare notes with students from other institutions. Details of the next Colloquium can be found below.

The 40th EAA Doctoral Colloquium – 11-14 May 2024 can be viewed here.

The 41st EAA Doctoral Colloquium – 24-27 May 2025


The European Doctoral Colloquium in Accounting has established itself as an important part of the infrastructure of European academic accounting. Attracting some of the brightest younger minds in the subject area, it provides a facilitative environment for discussing research in progress … Read more on the inception of the Doctoral Colloquim.

Check out where previous Doctoral Colloquia took place as well as the photo gallery.

Please view the Faculty and participants over the years.